Twelve Before Twelve Update

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It’s almost February and I still have not updated you on my 12 Before 12 list. Looking back I would probably have not done half of these things if I didn’t make the list. Having it was a constant reminder and motivator for me. There is nothing quite like being able to check something off.

Here is a reminder of what was on my list along with an explanation of how we accomplished it.

1. Design our Christmas card – We did design and print our Christmas card. If you missed that post you can see it here

2. Make Christmas decorations – We spent an entire evening watching Christmas movies and cutting out snowflakes to hang around the house. We also used them for our Hot Chocolate Christmas Party.

3. Organize/create an inspiring work space – It’s so nice to have a space to call my own. Here is how it turned out. What do you think? The art prints on the shelf are from Made By GirlFifi du Vie, and Hammerpress. Notice the Creative Inc. book on my desk. I just got it over the weekend and so far I’m loving it! It’s very informative.

4. Advertise our design work – We were in Discover Paper’s Holiday Guide and in Poppytalk’s Handmade Christmas Market!

5. Get outside more – We walked more instead of driving to places like the grocery store and The Grove.

6. Organize our closet…this is long overdue – My mom didn’t have much faith in me getting this one done but…I DID IT!

7. Make these picture frames – All of the art on the shelf above my desk was framed using that DIY.

8. Learn a Christmas song on my Ukelele – I learned Silver Bells (She & Him version) Jake even played along with me on his guitar! Needless to say it was pretty magical.

9. Finish and develop the roll of film in my Grandpa’s old Leica camera – The roll is finished and we are just waiting on it to get developed. I can’t wait see how these turn out.

10. Go to Disneyland when it’s all decorated for Christmas – We never made it to Disney land during Christmas. The day we had planned on going ended up being closed for an employee party. At least we tried, right?

11. Make an apple pie – I made my mom’s recipe and boy was it yummy.

12. Build a snowman – Jake and I built a cute litte snow man while we were back home in Michigan for Christmas. We even found a carrot in the garden that had managed to survive the freezing temperatures. We gave it a new home as the nose of our snowman.

Even though we couldn’t cross all twelve things off our list, I still feel pretty good about what we accomplished.

Jamie BartlettTwelve Before Twelve Update