Twelve Before Twelve Update

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Inspiration, Office, work space 2524 Views

It’s almost February and I still have not updated you on my 12 Before 12 list. Looking back I would probably have not done half of these things if I didn’t make the list. Having it was a constant reminder and motivator for me. There is nothing quite like being able to check something off. Here is a reminder of what was on my


Jamie BartlettTwelve Before Twelve Update

Office Space

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Inspiration, Weekend, work space 1646 Views

1. Apartment Therapy |  2. Under Consideration | 3. Aesthetic Outburst 4. Remodelista | 5. Decor8 I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Jake and I stayed home and were able to check a bunch of items off our to do list. The most exciting and a much needed item on our list was to organize our work space. Ever since I started working from


Jamie BartlettOffice Space

Grain & Gram

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Decor, Design, Inspiration, Letterpress, Video, work space 1137 Views

Grain and Gram:  The New Gentleman’s Journal couldn’t have a better name. It is definitely a manly man’s domain which is what I love about it. These guys get good and dirty with their work and yet create beautiful pieces. To me things are much more valuable if time, sweat, and a few tears are put into them. Source: Grain & Gram They


Jamie BartlettGrain & Gram

DIY Work Table

Jake Tutorial Design, DIY, Letterpress, Tutorial, work space 51084 Views

Ever since Jamie and I got our letterpress, it has been sitting in the middle of our living room floor. We didn’t have anything to set it on because, after all, it weighs 250lbs. Believe me, we looked all over the place for something that would work for us, but there were some key requirements. First and foremost, it had


JakeDIY Work Table

Work Spaces

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Inspiration, work space 1228 Views

Now that we have our letterpress, we’ve been trying to set up a work area in our apartment. I love looking at how other people organize their space. These photos just make me want to turn on Florence + The Machines and do something creative. source:  Cachemire & Soie ; Petra Svensson; Designspiration[sk]; Kate Gabrielle;

Jamie BartlettWork Spaces