Yarn Bombing

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1730 Views

When we were in Michigan last month we stumbled upon a little park in Traverse City’s downtown area that had been yarn bombed. I’ve heard of and seen pictures from this knitting graffiti movement, but I’ve never experienced it first hand. It was so unexpected that as soon as we saw it, both Jake and I got so excited and starting taking tons of pictures. As you can tell from the second picture, not everybody thinks this form of graffiti is art. When I saw that, It made me laugh because whoever spray painted that could use a little practice. 
All I know is that it was a really fun discovery, I liked it,  it made me smile, and therefore I believe it accomplished its goal. Plus Traverse City is freezing, so it’s nice for the trees to have a little knitted blanket to help them stay warm.

Jamie BartlettYarn Bombing