Yarn Bombing

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Graffiti, Inspiration, Michigan, Traverse City 1738 Views

When we were in Michigan last month we stumbled upon a little park in Traverse City’s downtown area that had been yarn bombed. I’ve heard of and seen pictures from this knitting graffiti movement, but I’ve never experienced it first hand. It was so unexpected that as soon as we saw it, both Jake and I got so excited and starting taking


Jamie BartlettYarn Bombing

Photo of the Week: Beatles Street Art

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Graffiti, Photo of the Week 1164 Views

It’s been forever since we’ve posted a photo of the week, sorry! I noticed some new graffiti over by Target the other day so I snapped this one of The Beatles. I’m always amazed by how people can get these up without getting caught. Hopefully we can get back into the hang of posting our photo of the week more consistently again.

Jamie BartlettPhoto of the Week: Beatles Street Art

Photo of the Week: Mr. Brainwash

Jake Blog Post Graffiti, LA, Photo of the Week, Photography 1114 Views

Jamie and I went shopping one Saturday morning not long ago and came across this wall. I had driven by on my way home from work the night before and the wall was completely bare. It amazes me how people can get away with such large graffiti without being noticed. This particular graffiti artist is called “Mr. Brainwash” (you can see


JakePhoto of the Week: Mr. Brainwash

Reverse Graffiti

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Design, Graffiti 1043 Views

I don’t really have anything against graffiti; in fact I quite like it. There are some really tallented graffiti artists out there that do amazing work. I guess it’s more of the senseless teenage mess that is bothersome. British based artists from Symbollix do their graffiti a little different. They rely on what already exists in the environment like dirt, moss, and mold


Jamie BartlettReverse Graffiti