His & Her Project: What Does the Fox Say

Jake Blog Post Animation, Collaboration, Graphic Design, His & Her Project, Illustration, Motion Graphics, Typography, Video 2103 Views

Get excited; today marks the first product of our His & Her Project! We picked a phrase that has been blowing up on the internet for the last few weeks. If you haven’t seen Ylvis’ “The Fox” yet, you owe it to yourself to go see what all the fuss is about. It’s a music video for a silly song that’s


JakeHis & Her Project: What Does the Fox Say

In Motion: Animation Exercise Pt. 2

Jake Blog Post Animation, Design, Experiment, Graphic Design, In Motion, Motion Graphics, Video 1282 Views

Today I thought I’d share a roundup of all the animation experiments I’ve created since my original experiments post. Let me know what you think! Oo-De-Lally from Jake Bartlett on Vimeo. Messy Geometry from Jake Bartlett on Vimeo. Moon from Jake Bartlett on Vimeo. Exmarks from Jake Bartlett on Vimeo. Fireflies from Jake Bartlett on Vimeo. Pointy Objects from Jake


JakeIn Motion: Animation Exercise Pt. 2

Penny Gaff, by Floor Plan – Lyric Video

Jake Blog Post Animation, Lyric Video, Motion Graphics, Music, Personal Project, Video 1386 Views

Today I am very excited to be able to share with you a project I spent the last few months working on. My good friends from the band Floor Plan were gracious enough to allow me to create a lyric video for one of their new songs. I was given complete creative freedom, and they didn’t want to see or know


JakePenny Gaff, by Floor Plan – Lyric Video

In Motion: End Scene

Jake Blog Post Animation, In Motion, music video, Video 1295 Views

Every once in a while I find something online that is mind-blowingly inspiring to me. This animated music video from Steffen Bygebjerg is one of those things. At first glance it might not seem like much, but after reading Steffen’s description of how it was made, I was dumbfounded. After animating the entire video in after effects, Steffen printed out


JakeIn Motion: End Scene

In Motion: Stop Motion Animation ‘Grindin’

Jake Blog Post Animation, In Motion, music video, stop motion, Video 1264 Views

Here is a stop motion music video that must’ve taken months to complete. It’s so impressive what the animator came up with using blocks of colored wood. Nobody Beats The Drum – Grindin’ from Nobody Beats The Drum on Vimeo. I don’t think I could ever devote so much time to one project like this. It must take a lot


JakeIn Motion: Stop Motion Animation ‘Grindin’

In Motion: New Mickey Mouse Shorts

Jake Blog Post Animation, Design, In Motion, Video 1975 Views

Today I discovered that Disney is making 19 brand new animated Mickey Mouse shorts! The whole series is being produced and directed by Paul Rudish, who made Dexter’s Laboratory and The Powerpuff Girls. You can definitely see his influence in the art direction. I can’t embed the video, so you’ll have to go to Disney’s website to watch the video. Go check


JakeIn Motion: New Mickey Mouse Shorts

In Motion: Animation Exercise

Jake Blog Post Animation, Design, Experiment, Graphic Design, In Motion, Motion Graphics, Video 1434 Views

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of amazingly designed 2D animations on the internet. It’s been very inspiring to me and made me want to get better at what I love doing. So as an ongoing exercise to come up with new ideas and to just become a better animator, I’ve decided to use any down time I have to


JakeIn Motion: Animation Exercise

MUTEMATH: Animated Lyric Video

Jake Blog Post Animation, Motion Graphics, Music, Video 1886 Views

This is something I’ve been wanting to share for a long time, I just haven’t been able to make it public until now. Back in July, I starting thinking about where I wanted to go with my career and how I wanted to use the skills I’ve developed. One of the ideas that I kept coming back to was working


JakeMUTEMATH: Animated Lyric Video

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