In Motion: New Mickey Mouse Shorts

Jake Blog Post Animation, Design, In Motion, Video 1990 Views

Today I discovered that Disney is making 19 brand new animated Mickey Mouse shorts! The whole series is being produced and directed by Paul Rudish, who made Dexter’s Laboratory and The Powerpuff Girls. You can definitely see his influence in the art direction. I can’t embed the video, so you’ll have to go to Disney’s website to watch the video. Go check


JakeIn Motion: New Mickey Mouse Shorts

In Motion: Husbands “Dream” Music Video

Jake Blog Post Creative, In Motion, Typography, Video 1337 Views

I’ve really been enjoying posting videos lately, so Jamie and I have decided that I’ll be doing it on a weekly basis now. We’ll be calling my column “In Motion”, and each week I’ll have a new video for your viewing pleasure.This week I’ve got another amazing work of typography; graphic designer and photographer duo Cauboyz have created an amazing music


JakeIn Motion: Husbands “Dream” Music Video

In Motion: Typography Overload

Jake Blog Post Graphic Design, Illustration, In Motion, Typography, Video 1457 Views

Get ready for a truckload of unique, hand-illustrated typography! Artist Leandro Senna created 66 beautiful lyric cards to go along with Bob Dylan’s iconic “Subterranean Homesick Blues” without the aid of a computer. Check out the impressive result: Bob Dylan Subterranean Homesick Blues – A HAND LETTERING EXPERIENCE from Leandro Senna on Vimeo. You can see each card up close


JakeIn Motion: Typography Overload

In Motion: A Defense of Comic Sans

Jake Blog Post Design, In Motion, Typography, Video 1632 Views

Today I wanted to share an informative video I came across while I was at work. Most people (especially designers) know that Comic Sans is generally considered a “bad” font. Well, here’s a video explaining how it became so overused and unpopular in the design world. It tells the complete history of comic sans and has a lot of typography info. Enjoy!


JakeIn Motion: A Defense of Comic Sans

In Motion: Animation Exercise

Jake Blog Post Animation, Design, Experiment, Graphic Design, In Motion, Motion Graphics, Video 1453 Views

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of amazingly designed 2D animations on the internet. It’s been very inspiring to me and made me want to get better at what I love doing. So as an ongoing exercise to come up with new ideas and to just become a better animator, I’ve decided to use any down time I have to


JakeIn Motion: Animation Exercise

Showing 11–15 of 15 results