Secret Stairs

Jake Blog Post California, LA, Photography 1154 Views

A few weeks ago Jamie and I went to Malibu for a really interesting piece of Los Angeles that I never know about. They’re called the Secret Stairs of LA; a set of walking tours across the city. Before Los Angeles was so big, and before cars were so predominant, these staircases were built as a way for pedestrians to


JakeSecret Stairs

Kids in a Candy Shop

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Antiques, Cameras, LA, Vintage 1741 Views

When my parents were here we went to Wertz Brothers Antiques over in Santa Monica. I had seen it posted on Oh Hello Friend and it was also recommended to me by a friend. As soon as we got there, I knew we were in for a treat. You know that feeling when there are so many amazing things to


Jamie BartlettKids in a Candy Shop

Photo of the Week: Golden Hour

Jake Blog Post LA, Photo of the Week, Photography 977 Views

One of the coolest parts of living in Los Angeles is golden hour. It makes everything look so, well, golden! After getting home from work yesterday I noticed that the sun was still up; Summer must be getting close!

JakePhoto of the Week: Golden Hour

Disneyland: Let the Memories Begin!

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post California, Disney, Disneyland, LA, Photography 6626 Views

Last Wednesday Jake and I took off work to go to Disneyland. We’ve almost lived in Los Angeles for a year and hadn’t managed to go until now. My Parents were in town visiting so we thought it would be a good excuse to finally go. Everything in the park was magical! It brought us back to wonderful memories of


Jamie BartlettDisneyland: Let the Memories Begin!

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