Canon EOS 70D: More or Less a Review

Jake Blog Post Cameras, Photography, Technology 2114 Views

Prepare yourself for a bit of geekery; Jamie and I recently upgraded to a new digital camera, so I wanted to share some things we really like about it so far. It’s the new Canon EOS 70D DSLR with the EF-S 17mm-55mm f/2.8 IS USM lens! What I like most about this camera is all of the little things they crammed


JakeCanon EOS 70D: More or Less a Review

New Camera Lens

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Cameras, Photography 1388 Views

Jake and I ordered a new lens for our camera online and we finally got it yesterday! It’s a 25mm f/2.8 Olympus pancake lens. Most of our other lenses are from old film cameras; so they are completely manual. We thought it was about time we invested in a much needed automatic lens that could communicate with our camera. Jake and I were


Jamie BartlettNew Camera Lens

Finders Keepers: Bloom Theory

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Cameras, Finders Keepers 1737 Views

I’ve just realized that a lot of my Finders Keepers have been camera things lately. I hope you don’t mind. There are just so many cool cameras and accessories out there. This week I found Bloom Theory. They make cute, dramatic, yet practical camera straps. Jake and I share a camera so unfortunately I don’t think he would want to be sporting around one of these.


Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Bloom Theory

Finders Keepers: Lomokino

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Cameras, Film, Finders Keepers, Movie 1098 Views

Jake came across this camera earlier this week called the Lomokino. You can shoot a movie of 144 frames on any 35mm film. It looks like it would be a lot of fun to play around with. They have example videos on their site you can watch here. It’s pretty reasonably priced too. I don’t think you can ever have too many


Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Lomokino

Finders Keepers: Bokeh Kit

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Cameras, Finders Keepers, Photography 2658 Views

Photojojo always has fun camera accessories. They now have these super cool cutouts you can attach to your camera’s lens and create some beautiful effects with ordinary light. Jake and I experimented with this idea over Christmas. We didn’t have this kit so we just cut out our own snowflake shape from construction paper. It was a lot of fun for a cold


Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Bokeh Kit

Just Because

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Cameras, Design, Technology 1065 Views

Yesterday Jake surprised me with a new phone! But not just any phone, the HTC Thunderbolt. The sweetest part is that Jake has really been wanting this phone for a while now, but instead of buying it for himself he got it for me. It was a “just because” present and probably one of the coolest phones I’ve ever seen. I love


Jamie BartlettJust Because

Kids in a Candy Shop

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Antiques, Cameras, LA, Vintage 1718 Views

When my parents were here we went to Wertz Brothers Antiques over in Santa Monica. I had seen it posted on Oh Hello Friend and it was also recommended to me by a friend. As soon as we got there, I knew we were in for a treat. You know that feeling when there are so many amazing things to


Jamie BartlettKids in a Candy Shop

Photo of the Week: Through a Half-Frame Lens

Jake Blog Post Cameras, Colorado, Photo of the Week, Photography 1218 Views

Normally photo of the week only has one photo, but there were too many great photos to choose from on this roll. So this week we decided to post all of our favorites. This past Christmas I bought Jamie an old film camera. It’s an Olympus PEN 35mm half-frame camera from 1959 (half-frame means it exposes two images per frame


JakePhoto of the Week: Through a Half-Frame Lens

Making History

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Cameras, Photography, Vintage 1316 Views

Photography is quickly becoming more and more of a passion of ours. We’ve never had advanced photography instruction, but we love to shoot pictures none the less. Recently, I inherited some cameras from my Grandpa. We are really honored that he wanted us to have them. The first camera was my Grandpa’s Leica IIIc that he bought when he was over in Germany near


Jamie BartlettMaking History

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