The Bartlett Press: It Has Arrived!

Jake Blog Post Graphic Design, Letterpress, Printmaking 1403 Views

This has been one of the most exciting weeks we’ve had since Jamie and I got married. After six months of research and a lot of patience, we officially own a Chandler & Price New Series Pilot Letterpress. We set it up for printing for the very first time on Friday night. We honestly didn’t know how it was going


JakeThe Bartlett Press: It Has Arrived!

Sneak Peek.

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Etsy, Linocut, Printmaking 1097 Views

After weeks of designing and hard work Jake and I are more than excited to give you a little taste of what’s to come. Later on this week we will be officially opening our Pair of Pears store on Etsy. For now we chose to focus on linocuts. Our store will feature a few of our favorite designs that we


Jamie BartlettSneak Peek.

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