Muppet Alphabet

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Design, T-Shirt, Typography 1127 Views

Have you seen the new Muppet movie? Jake and I saw it over Thanksgiving weekend. It was fabulous and really fun to watch. I’m loving this Muppet Alphabet too by Mike Boon! They even made it into a shirt on Threadless.

Jamie BartlettMuppet Alphabet

Come Visit Traverse City!

Jake Blog Post Competition, Design, Graphic Design, Michigan, T-Shirt, Traverse City 2144 Views

One of our favorite places to buy t-shirts,, is hosting a themed designed competition right now. The theme is “Your City” and you’re supposed to design a shirt that represents your favorite city. Well, Jamie and I have been wanting to design something for Traverse City (my hometown and where we were married) pretty much ever since our wedding.


JakeCome Visit Traverse City!