Holiday Printables and DIYs to Try this Weekend

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Thanksgiving is almost here and for a lot of us that might mean a few extra days off! Which makes it the perfect time to relax and make those DIY’s you’ve been wanting to try. 
Monogram ornaments and gift tags: Make a few for your tree or use them to top all those gifts you buy on Black Friday.
Knitted Dog Scarf: Don’t forget about your pup! They like gifts too; so make them a scarf to stay warm and stylish this winter. 
Perfectly Sweet Chai Tea Latte: Sip on this while you put up your tree this weekend. It’s like the holidays in a mug.
Cinnamon Copper painted Pine Cones: Add a few of these throughout your Christmas tree or on your mantle this year.
Printable Gift List: Keep your gift giving organized this this free gift list. 

Jamie BartlettHoliday Printables and DIYs to Try this Weekend