What to do…

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1154 Views

In between applying for jobs, I usually am busy (well not really busy) talking to friends, fixing up our house or searching through craigslist. Today I decided to make Whole Wheat Peanut Butter Cookie. From the past blog entries you might think I bake a lot. Well, don’t be fooled. This is the first time we have our own kitchen


Jamie BartlettWhat to do…

The little things in life.

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1372 Views

I was going through my old blog post and saw that I had done one on things that I like. It was a fun one to do so I thought I would do another one about things Jake and I like. Coffee.Our new favorite is Sumatra- smooth-bodied with a smoky aroma and sweet earthy flavor. Tandem bikes: a bicycle built


Jamie BartlettThe little things in life.

If I Could Be…

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 979 Views

I saw this on my friend Grace’s blog and since I have nothing else to do, I thought it would be fun to do. If I could be a month, I’d be September. If I could be a day of the week, I’d be Saturday. If I could be a time of day, I’d be 3 p.m. If I could


Jamie BartlettIf I Could Be…


Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 917 Views

Now that Jake and I have our own place, we have started to bake a few things. The entire process has been fun to do together: shopping for ingredients, making a mess baking and then of course eating the results. So far, we made two things. First, we made Whole Wheat Blueberry Scones and then Dark Chocolate Chip Mint Cookies.


Jamie Bartlettyum

And so it begins..

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1011 Views

So as you can see, in the past we’ve neglected our little blog. However right now we make an oath to you to post often about our new life together from our new home in the big sunny city of Los Angeles. I am positive we will be having some exciting adventures together that we can share with you. I


Jamie BartlettAnd so it begins..


Jake Blog Post 1052 Views

Jamie and I accomplished our next life goal together since getting a shirt printed at goodjoe. Last week’s woot theme was Japan, our design placed third in the derby competition, and it was printed! You can see it for sale here: http://shirt.woot.com/friends.aspx?k=9708 As I mentioned, the theme was Japan, and one of the rules was that if you had text



Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 996 Views

Since being back together, Jake and I have realized just how perfect we really are for each other. Together we’ve been able to be creatively designing for things that we’ve never done before. Through Jake’s boss, we were asked to help make the Siloam Springs high school football field center design. It was by far the biggest piece of art


Jamie Bartlett

Whoa whoa whoa!

Jake Blog Post 1115 Views

Before I left LA, Jamie and I had noticed that the design of our blog was…lacking. It did not reflect ourselves as the graphic designers we are, and was honestly pretty embarrassing. So now that I’m back with my girl in Colorado, we’ve been working on a long to-do list; redesigning our blog was part of that list. So here


JakeWhoa whoa whoa!

Today is a big deal for 4 reasons

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1106 Views

1. It’s Father’s Day.I love my dad and I know I can say the same thing for Jake. 2. It’s the first day of summer. 3. It’s the longest day of the year. 4. and best of all today marks one year of Jake and I dating.It’s hard to believe that one year ago we were in London and one


Jamie BartlettToday is a big deal for 4 reasons

Well that makes more sense now.

Jake Blog Post 1013 Views

Despite our expectations, Jamie never heard back from the TOMS shoes internship here in Santa Monica, even after a very drawn out application process and confusing emails. As a result she was not able to come out to LA for the summer, which meant she and I wouldn’t see each other until August. This was a very confusing and difficult


JakeWell that makes more sense now.

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