Morning Brew: A New Week

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Book, Design, Graphic Design, Inspiration, Morning Brew 1090 Views

Source: Dara Quesada I hope you’re ready, because it’s time for a new week. Did you have a good weekend? Jake and I went on a date Friday evening. First we walked to the Farmer’s Market for dinner and then we went and saw Super 8 at the theatre. It was fantastic (loud, but fantastic). We both highly recommend it, but watch


Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: A New Week

A Children’s Book

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Book, Books, Vintage 1225 Views

Source: Pink Orchid_Too For a while now, I’ve been saying I want to write a children’s book. There is just something about children’s books that are so sweet and innocent. As a kid I remember crawling into my parents’ bed and my parents reading to me. Those are some of my sweetest memories. Source: Left: Olivia the Piglet; Right: The Heart


Jamie BartlettA Children’s Book


Jake Blog Post Book, Graphic Design, Inspiration, Typography, Vintage 1312 Views

Jamie and I were strolling through The Grove the other night, and found ourselves at Barnes and Noble. We stumbled upon an amazing book that we instantly knew had to be added to our collection. The full name of the book is “Over 360 of the Most Popular Retrofonts from the 19th and 20th Centuries Typedesign”, or Retrofonts for short.



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