Dry-Ink: Smart Texturing In Photoshop (and Giveaway)

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Class, Graphic Design, Skillshare, Typography 3945 Views

As I’m sure most of you know, Jake teaches on Skillshare. And guess what?! Now I do too! It took some (ok a lot) of convincing/encouragement from Jake, but I finally gave in and did it. I couldn’t be more excited with how the class turned out. To celebrate, I’m even doing a rubber stamp contest for those who complete


Jamie BartlettDry-Ink: Smart Texturing In Photoshop (and Giveaway)

The Ultimate Guide to Shape Layers in After Effects

Jake Blog Post Animation, Class, Design, Motion Graphics, Skillshare 4036 Views

I’m thrilled to announce that I’m teaching a second Skillshare class! This new class will give you all the knowledge you need to start making animations using shape layers. You’ll learn everything there is to know about one of After Effect’s most powerful tools! Through the class, you’ll be creating an animation like this one: You can sign up using


JakeThe Ultimate Guide to Shape Layers in After Effects

The Ultimate Guide to Kinetic Type

Jake Blog Post After Effects, Animation, Class, Kinetic Type, Motion Graphics, Skillshare 2831 Views

Today I am so excited to announce that I’ll be teaching a class on Skillshare! Ever since Jamie found Skillshare and took her first class, I knew I wanted to teach my own. I’m so glad I actually went through with it! Teaching is something I’ve always thought I would enjoy; and Skillshare’s format is perfect for my style of


JakeThe Ultimate Guide to Kinetic Type