Plume & Post Branding

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Branding, Business Card, Custom Work, Graphic Design, Identity, Typography 6885 Views

Remember back in February when I showed you this moodboard I was working on for re-branding a client? Well It’s done! Ok, ok it’s been done for a while. I don’t know why it has taken me this long to show you.  This project was for Plume & Post, an inbound marketing company that works with small businesses to create content for their audiences.


Jamie BartlettPlume & Post Branding

Work In Progress

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Brandng, Graphic Design, Identity, Packaging 1419 Views

I don’t usually show people what I’m working on before it’s done, it makes be feel vulnerable. I’m sure some of you know what I’m talking about. Today, I’m sucking it up and showing you what I’ve been working on in my free time. After I’ve gotten all caught up on client work I’ve been trying to squeeze in a few designs for


Jamie BartlettWork In Progress

Simple is Beautiful

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Design, Graphic Design, Identity, Inspiration 2305 Views

Source: Acorn & Whale letterpress print Scout’s Honor via Simple-Pretty Source: Fellow Studio  Source: Little Factory Now that we finished our new design for our website, we are planing on re-designing all the other things that go along with our identity: letterhead, packaging etc. I’m really excited about this. At the same time designing for yourself is usually the hardest, but as Barney Stinson would say,


Jamie BartlettSimple is Beautiful

Very Vague Sneak Peak

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Design, Identity, Website 1326 Views

Have you noticed how many sites have changed their design once the new year hit? For a while now Jake and I have wanted to do the same. If you remember, one of our goals for the new year was to consolidate our identity for A Pair of Pears; and with that a new updated design for our website. Well


Jamie BartlettVery Vague Sneak Peak