Winter Wonderland Snow Globes

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Christmas, DIY, Winter 2623 Views

Christmas is everywhere right now. Blogs are posting holiday gift guides and Christmas cards. Pinterest is almost completly consumed with holiday crafts and recipes; and the stores of course set up there decorations while the kids were out trick or treating. Over the weekend I decided to get in on the festivities and make some snow globe decorations for our mantel. I justified


Jamie BartlettWinter Wonderland Snow Globes

DIY Mid-Century Modern Coffee Table

Jamie Bartlett Tutorial Decor, DIY, Furniture, Home, Tutorial 37568 Views

For a while now I’ve been swooning over all the beautiful mid century furniture that’s been showing up all over the place. Unfortunately it’s all pretty pricey. And we all know what I do when I don’t want to pay for something…I make it myself.  Mid-Century Modern style is so clean and simple which made this coffee table super easy to make. I


Jamie BartlettDIY Mid-Century Modern Coffee Table

Reupholstered Chair

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Decor, DIY, Furniture, Home 2119 Views

You’ve already kind of seen the finished product of our chair we reupholstered from Pixel’s Watch Me Grow photos, but I wanted to show you more of the process we went through to get this little yellow beauty. Here is the condition we found the poor saggy chair in at Goodwill. The fabric was pretty worn in spots and the caning on the


Jamie BartlettReupholstered Chair

DIY Kick

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Crafts, crocheting, Decor, DIY, Home, Inspiration, Knitting, Office 2244 Views

Ever since my parents came and helped me with all those diy projects, I keep coming up with more and more things I want to do. It’s so satisfying making things yourself. I probably should take it one project at a time before I get burnt out. These are on my current to do list. Cork Board Pencil Sweater Aren’t


Jamie BartlettDIY Kick

Granny Squares

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Crafts, crocheting, Decor, DIY, Home 2557 Views

So remember last year when I got all gung ho about knitting? I had all these projects that I wanted to do. What happened with that you ask? Well, not much. I did finish a head band and got about three quarters of the way through one leg warmer; then I got discouraged when I realized I still had another one to


Jamie BartlettGranny Squares

DIY Weekend

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Apartment, Decor, DIY, Home, Kitchen 1426 Views

My parents left for home this morning. We had a wonderful time with them this past week. Unfortunately it has been the hottest week of the summer which meant we had to stay inside most of their visit. On the plus side, we got a lot of projects done in our apartment. First we reupholstered the yellow chair, then hung up some


Jamie BartlettDIY Weekend

Sneak Peek: Chair Reupholstery

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Decor, DIY, Sneak Peek 1126 Views

My parents are visiting this week and we are hard at work. The first project we decided to tackle is reupholstering the chair we picked up at goodwill a few weeks back. We did the majority of the work yesterday and plan on finishing it up today! Here is a little sneak peek. It’s looking great!

Jamie BartlettSneak Peek: Chair Reupholstery

Finders Keepers: Reinvention

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Book, DIY, Finders Keepers 1391 Views

I think it’s always a good idea to try to use and repurpose what you already have before running out and buying new things. That’s why I’m loving the idea of this new book by Maya Donenfeld titled Reinvention: Sewing with Rescued Materials. I saw it posted over on Poppytalk earlier this week. It sounds like a great way to be


Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Reinvention

Finders Keepers: Vecco Custom Rugs

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Decor, DIY, Finders Keepers, Home 1382 Views

A good rug is hard to find; or maybe I’m just too picky. I’ve been scouring the internet trying to find some rugs for our new apartment. So far no luck. I did find Vecco though. Vecco sells rugs that you can paint your own custom design on! They even sell kits with everything you need.

Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Vecco Custom Rugs

Finders Keepers: Easter Egg Art

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Color, DIY, Holiday 1794 Views

Believe it or not I have never dyed an Easter egg before. I guess it just was never a part of our Easter celebrations. Which I’m kind of surprised about because my mom was very craft oriented when it came to entertaining my siblings and I. I found some dyed eggs that look more like little art masterpieces to me. They are all so


Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Easter Egg Art

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