Taste of Fall

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Fall, Family 1004 Views

I’ve been gone the last couple days visiting family. It’s been a year and a half since I’ve seen most of them. My little niece and nephew are getting so big. I had so much fun with them. My nephew has the cutest smile that melts me every time and my niece says the silliest and sweetest things. While visiting, the weather


Jamie BartlettTaste of Fall

Fall Scarf Exchange

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Fall, Fashion 1079 Views

Now that my birthday has past I am ready for Fall. There are so many wonderful things that come with cooler weather. One thing being scarves. Don’t you just love them? Janee over at Yellow Bird, Yellow Beard had this brilliant idea to host a scarf exchange in preparation for Fall. I signed up right away! If you would like to join


Jamie BartlettFall Scarf Exchange

Happy Halloween!

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Crafts, Fall, Halloween 1325 Views

Halloween is here! Happy Halloween everybody. I came across these cute vintage paper dolls from Betsy McCall today and I just had to share them. If you are needing any last minute crafts for the kids (or yourself) or even decorations these could easily be made into cupcake toppers or hung on some string for decorations. You can download the


Jamie BartlettHappy Halloween!

Everything Apples

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post California, Fall, Food 1428 Views

Sources: Apple Chips | Apple Butter | Apple Cider Baked Apple Oatmeal | Apple Cookies Apples have been on my mind lately. This Saturday we are going with some of our best friends apple picking. I can’t wait. I’ve been dreaming of it for months and it’s finally apple picking season! I’ve been thinking of all the things I want


Jamie BartlettEverything Apples

Nothing Says Fall Like Plaid

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Apparel, Etsy, Fall, Shop, Vintage, Wedding 1403 Views

Source: 1. Blanket | 2. Thermos | 3. Scarf | 4. Bow Tie 5. Camera Bag | 6. Wedding Identity I’m a big fan of all things plaid, there is just something warm and rustic about it that is so pleasant. I especially love the wool blanket. I get cold really easily so I can never have enough cozy blankets to cuddle up in. This


Jamie BartlettNothing Says Fall Like Plaid

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