There seems to be quite a few babies being born lately. My Instagram, Facebook and Bloglovin feed all seem to being filling up with cute chubby faces. I can’t say I mind though. Audrey of This Little Street just had a sweet baby girl a few weeks ago and she is so precious. While she is off getting to know …
Introducing Our New and Improved Brand
After a few sneak peeks and hints here and there, our new and improved brand is here! We went back and forth for a while trying to decide if we should update our look. We didn’t totally hate what we had, but then we realized it didn’t quite represent us or what we do anymore. It was time for an …
WIP: Rebrand Sneak Peek
We’ve been tossing around the idea of rebranding for a while now. We still like the logo we currently have, but thought it was time for something a little newer and more us. We don’t want to completely scrap our current brand, but instead just update it a bit. I started sketching out logos earlier this week and I think …
Got any weekend plans? You’ll be wanting to break out your sketchbook after watching this video. I know I am.
Learning Life Lessons Over Stale Popcorn
Last night we went out and saw The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. As soon as it came out back in December I knew I wanted to see it. We missed it while it was in theatres, but I saw that it was showing at the cheap theater in Pasadena. So we thought why not give it a try. The …
Decorate Your Desktop: 07
Jake and I have a couple of trips we are planning on taking this year. It has got me really itching to see new places and go on fun adventures. Being cooped up in the house all week might have something to do with it too. Maybe this weekend we can grab a pizza and make a night out of …
I’ve got a lot of things on my mind this week, so I’ve been trying to think through them all. Things like: our blog, our shop, what I should have for lunch. You know, the important stuff. I’ll let you know if I come up with anything revolutionary.
Artist Sean Tulgetske
I recently discovered a new to me hand lettering artist, Sean Tulgetske, and I just can’t get enough of his work. He is a Michigander transplanted in Southern California so what’s not to like about him? The photography he pairs with his lettering is pretty killer too. You can check out more of his work on his Tumblr and Instagram.
WIP: 03
This week has been a pretty busy week for us but I managed to squeeze in some time to work on a few of my own projects. Gotta break in that new tech somehow right? I’ve been wanting to add more cards to our shop and I’m pretty excited about these two pieces. I can’t wait to see these beauties printed up. …
Whew I am so glad it’s Friday. Most of this week we were without internet and because of that I didn’t get as much done as I had planned too. As you can see I only posted one other time this week. It’s surprising how much having limited access to the world wide web can slow you down. Especially when …
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