Morning Brew: Disney Love

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Disney, Inspiration, Morning Brew, Photography 1092 Views

Isn’t this so cute? They’re still going strong after all these years. Take a minute and tell your special someone you love them today. Jake, I love you. Source Unknown By the way, this is our 100th blog post! Hurray!

Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Disney Love

Morning Brew: Good Old Fashioned Typography

Jake Blog Post Graphic Design, Inspiration, Morning Brew, Typography 1144 Views

I found these super creative eCards designed by Will Staehle for the Type Director’s Club. One of my absolute favorite things is when a design is made to look like it was created in a different time period. I love seeing all of the tiny details and (often) imperfections that technology has corrected over the years. These designs not only have that going


JakeMorning Brew: Good Old Fashioned Typography

Morning Brew: Hello Spring

Jake Blog Post Inspiration, Morning Brew, Photography 1231 Views

Spring is officially here. Looks like it’s time to clean house, smell the flowers, and catch some butterflies. As for us here in L.A., Spring has brought with it a week of rain, but I guess it will pay off in the end.  Source: 唯以

JakeMorning Brew: Hello Spring

Window Watching

Jake Blog Post Graphic Design, Inspiration, Shop, Typography 1390 Views

Check out these fabulous windows. They’re all designed so well and work great as one-color designs. I think I’d go into these stores based purely on the window display. Does it make me silly to want to own a storefront just so I can design a window decal? Source: AFOM Source: Liven Design Left: Mark Baratelli; Right: Glausfurd & Walker


JakeWindow Watching

Work Spaces

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Inspiration, work space 1217 Views

Now that we have our letterpress, we’ve been trying to set up a work area in our apartment. I love looking at how other people organize their space. These photos just make me want to turn on Florence + The Machines and do something creative. source:  Cachemire & Soie ; Petra Svensson; Designspiration[sk]; Kate Gabrielle;

Jamie BartlettWork Spaces

Morning Brew: Read

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Inspiration, Morning Brew, Photography 1284 Views

Relax…and read a book this weekend. I love a good book. My favorite is To Kill a Mocking Bird. Do you have a favorite? I would love to add it to my ever expanding list. Photo by: Krista Palmu

Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Read

Showing 81–90 of 93 results