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Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1093 Views

Suspendisse potenti. Fusce cursus convallis enim, non scelerisque lectus. Duis auctor ante nibh, in pharetra orci consequat sed.


Jamie BartlettVideo Post type video

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Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 1007 Views

Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse sit amet nisl in lectus semper facilisis. Fusce porttitor eleifend volutpat.


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Jamie Bartlett Blog Post 935 Views

Morbi sit amet mi lorem. Etiam tristique nulla a sem iaculis ultrices. Nulla suscipit, justo non commodo blandit.


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Sweet Dreams Printable for This Little Street

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables Art, For the Taking, Hand Lettering, Printable 4009 Views

There seems to be quite a few babies being born lately. My Instagram, Facebook and Bloglovin feed all seem to being filling up with cute chubby faces. I can’t say I mind though.

Audrey of This Little Street just had a sweet baby girl a few weeks ago and she is so precious. While she is off getting to know her new little girl and enjoying time with her family, she has asked me to do a guest post over on her blog. I thought it was only fitting to design a free hand lettered printable that’s sweet enough to hang in any nursery. Head on over to This Little Street and download this Sweet Dreams art print. While you’re there you should also check out Freia’s nursery. Audrey did such a beautiful job.

Jamie BartlettSweet Dreams Printable for This Little Street

4th of July Wedding Collaboration

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Collaboration, Inspiration, Invitation, LA, Paper Goods, Party, Photography, Stationery, Wedding 1965 Views

It never ceases to amaze me all the wonderful talented people I get to meet through our blog and social media. A few weeks ago Jenna Bechtholt who is a wonderful photographer here in LA contacted me about collaborating on a styled wedding shoot. As soon as she mentioned that the theme for the wedding was the 4th of July I was all in.

I got to design all the stationery for the shoot which included an invitation, matching envelope, and place cards. It was such a fun project to work on and the pictures from the shoot turned out so beautiful and romantic. It’s put me in the mood for backyard BBQs, sparklers, and everything I know and love about this patriotic holiday. The entire shoot was featured on Wedding Chicks today! Head on over there to see the rest of the photos.

Jamie Bartlett4th of July Wedding Collaboration

It’s All in the Details

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Branding, Graphic Design, Shop 1732 Views

One of my favorite things about our rebrand is the new stamp we designed that now gets hand stamped on the back of every art print as we package it up to send out to it’s new home. It’s a fun little touch that I love. After all it’s all in the details right? Go check out our shop and see all five of our genuine art prints made right here in California. Which one is your favorite?

Jamie BartlettIt’s All in the Details

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