Janet Hill Paintings

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Animals, Art, Artist, Decor, painting 2832 Views

I’m quickly discovering there are not enough walls in our apartment for all the art I want to hang on them. I’m hoping I can squeeze in one more of these paintings by Janet Hill. I just recently came across her work and she is quickly becoming one of my favorite painters. I love the dramatic colors and quirky subject


Jamie BartlettJanet Hill Paintings

City Maps

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Decor, Maps, Poster, Printmaking 1295 Views

I love a good map. I especially love these screen printed ones from The Harbinger Co. They make me want to do some sort of map series for our shop. Maybe some day. For now I’ll just admire these and work on the hundreds of other ideas I have first. 

Jamie BartlettCity Maps

Reupholstered Chair

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Decor, DIY, Furniture, Home 2119 Views

You’ve already kind of seen the finished product of our chair we reupholstered from Pixel’s Watch Me Grow photos, but I wanted to show you more of the process we went through to get this little yellow beauty. Here is the condition we found the poor saggy chair in at Goodwill. The fabric was pretty worn in spots and the caning on the


Jamie BartlettReupholstered Chair

DIY Kick

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Crafts, crocheting, Decor, DIY, Home, Inspiration, Knitting, Office 2245 Views

Ever since my parents came and helped me with all those diy projects, I keep coming up with more and more things I want to do. It’s so satisfying making things yourself. I probably should take it one project at a time before I get burnt out. These are on my current to do list. Cork Board Pencil Sweater Aren’t


Jamie BartlettDIY Kick

Granny Squares

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Crafts, crocheting, Decor, DIY, Home 2558 Views

So remember last year when I got all gung ho about knitting? I had all these projects that I wanted to do. What happened with that you ask? Well, not much. I did finish a head band and got about three quarters of the way through one leg warmer; then I got discouraged when I realized I still had another one to


Jamie BartlettGranny Squares

DIY Weekend

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Apartment, Decor, DIY, Home, Kitchen 1427 Views

My parents left for home this morning. We had a wonderful time with them this past week. Unfortunately it has been the hottest week of the summer which meant we had to stay inside most of their visit. On the plus side, we got a lot of projects done in our apartment. First we reupholstered the yellow chair, then hung up some


Jamie BartlettDIY Weekend

Sneak Peek: Chair Reupholstery

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Decor, DIY, Sneak Peek 1126 Views

My parents are visiting this week and we are hard at work. The first project we decided to tackle is reupholstering the chair we picked up at goodwill a few weeks back. We did the majority of the work yesterday and plan on finishing it up today! Here is a little sneak peek. It’s looking great!

Jamie BartlettSneak Peek: Chair Reupholstery

One Lantern

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Decor, Design, Etsy, Photography 1540 Views

One Lantern Art Prints I love the way One Lantern styles their art print photos for their Etsy shop. It’s a really great how they show the prints in an actually environment. It makes me want that workspace and those prints (which I’m sure was the idea). Plus I just love the simplicity of the prints. Now I’m inspired to take the time


Jamie BartlettOne Lantern

Mint Condition

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Color, Decor, Home, Inspiration, Kitchen 1928 Views

Sources: 1. Lomography Diana + Dreamer Camera 2. Mint Kitchen 3. Living Room 4. Mint Washi Tape 5.  Love Poster 6. Baker’s Twine 7. Latte Bowls 8. Essie nail polish 9. Recycled Pencils You probably already figured, but I watch a lot of HGTV. My favorite show is Property Brothers. Over the weekend I saw an episode where the living room wall was decorated with mint accents. It


Jamie BartlettMint Condition

Our Weekend

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Decor, Home, Office, Weekend 1456 Views

Once again our weekend flew right by. I wish we had just one more day to get everything done. It was really our first weekend in our new home since last weekend we were in New York. Saturday was mostly spent at Ikea and shopping around for a grill. Now that we have a patio we want to take full


Jamie BartlettOur Weekend

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