
Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Flowers, Photography, summer, Typography 1860 Views

I spotted these peonies while grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s over the weekend and I just couldn’t pass them up. They make our home feel so summery and fresh. Now we just need to enjoy long nights on the back patio sipping lemonade and summer will feel officially here. What’s your favorite flower?

Jamie BartlettPeonies


Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Flowers, Photography, Weekend 1556 Views

We had such a fun weekend. Saturday I threw a bridal shower for Erika (which my amazing husband  helped me all day with). Since we were so busy on Saturday we spent most of our day Sunday relaxing at home and then went out for some frozen yogurt with friends. It made for a great weekend. I bought these Peonies for Erika’s


Jamie BartlettPeonies

Finders Keepers: Tin Can Lids

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Finders Keepers, Flowers, Inspiration 1062 Views

Source: Dezeen Aren’t these brilliant? I can’t help but wonder why hasn’t anyone thought of this before. It seems so obviously perfect. These biodegradable lids are perfect for repurposing old tin cans into useful objects. I never knew a tin can could look so good.

Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Tin Can Lids

Morning Brew: Succulents

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Decor, Flowers, garden, Home, Inspiration, Morning Brew, Photography, Plants 1568 Views

As much as I hate to admit this, I believe my little herb garden is officially dead. I tried my best and I thought I was doing really well, but I lost the poor things. I’m really disappointed. I really like have plants around the apartment. It adds a nice lively touch. I think I’m going to replace the herbs


Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Succulents

Finders Keepers: Prehistoric Planters

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Decor, Design, Etsy, Finders Keepers, Flowers, Home, Shop 1573 Views

Source: Plaid Pigeon I discovered these a few days after my friend Erika’s birthday. She’s crazy about dinosaurs so I was a little disappointed I missed out on the perfect occasion to give her one. I think she would have loved these. I know I do. Plaid Pigeon is constantly selling out of these planters. They are in pretty high demand and it is just run by a husband


Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Prehistoric Planters

Morning Brew: Showers Bring Flowers

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Flowers, Morning Brew, Photography 982 Views

In Los Angeles I find myself losing track of the seasons (or lack of them). We’ve had some cold rainy days around here, but I think Spring is finally here to stay. Source: Philipp Hilpert

Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Showers Bring Flowers

Morning Brew: Billy Buttons

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Flowers, Morning Brew 1335 Views

These are my new favorite flower. If I would have known about them earlier I would have had them in our wedding. What do you think? Cute? Image Source: Fifty Flowers 

Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Billy Buttons