Garden Plans

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post garden 1330 Views

Over the weekend we dug up most of our garden. Everything in it was planted before we moved in. I really had no desire to take on another project, but there were two huge bushes taking over our entire patio area and making Jake’s allergies go crazy; so they had to go. It already looks so much better back there but now


Jamie BartlettGarden Plans

The Basics of Herbs

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Food, garden, Illustration, Typography 2619 Views

Believe it or not the basil plant that I bought a while back is still growing strong! I’m pretty proud of myself. I’ve even put it to good use in recipes. Having fresh herbs are definitely a treat. Heather Diane illustrated a lovely guide to herbs and even suggests uses for each.

Jamie BartlettThe Basics of Herbs

Fresh Basil

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Food, garden, Home, Plants 1301 Views

It seems lately that a lot of the recipes I’ve been making calls for fresh basil. Usually I just substitute it for dried basil; mainly because I can’t justify buying a whole container of fresh basil and then only using a leaf or two while all of the rest just wilts away.  Last night we went grocery shopping and I discovered that


Jamie BartlettFresh Basil

Morning Brew: Succulents

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Decor, Flowers, garden, Home, Inspiration, Morning Brew, Photography, Plants 1570 Views

As much as I hate to admit this, I believe my little herb garden is officially dead. I tried my best and I thought I was doing really well, but I lost the poor things. I’m really disappointed. I really like have plants around the apartment. It adds a nice lively touch. I think I’m going to replace the herbs


Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Succulents

Our Herb Garden

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Food, garden, Home 1271 Views

I finally decided to take the plunge and try growing my own herb garden. So over the weekend Jake and I picked out some herbs and planted them in a pot. I really wanted rosemary and basil, but the lady in the garden area told me I couldn’t grow those together. For now I just have chives and oregano. We set them on the ledge


Jamie BartlettOur Herb Garden

Morning Brew: Herb Garden

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Food, garden, Home, Inspiration 2051 Views

Both our parents have gardens. In the following months they will be able to enjoy all kinds of fresh produce. And the worst part is that Jake and I don’t even live near by to help take all the extras off their hands. All this to say that, I wish I had a garden. I would even settle for an herb garden.


Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Herb Garden