A Vintage Birthday

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Birthday, Decor, Design, Graphic Design, Home Video, Invitation, Party, Photography, Video, Vintage 2392 Views

My birthday has come and gone and I’m yet another year older. Remember back in July when I was trying to think of a theme for my party? Well I had decided that this year I would throw a vintage party! I had such a fun time planing everything. I even sent out invitations in the mail (which I haven’t done since


Jamie BartlettA Vintage Birthday

Loving Letterpress

Jake Blog Post Design, Etsy, Graphic Design, Home Video, Kitchen, Letterpress, Printmaking, Shop, Video 1547 Views

Every time Jamie and I have decided to print something on our letterpress up until this point, we’ve been learning something new or working on something that needed both our full attentions to accomplish. That makes it pretty hard to document the process. We’ve wanted to make a video of our printing for a while now, so this past weekend we decided


JakeLoving Letterpress

Day After Thanksgiving

Jake Blog Post Decor, Holiday, Home Video, Video 1355 Views

The day after Thanksgiving, or as we like to call it, the first day of Christmas, was an amazing day for Jamie and I. We avoided the long Black-Friday lines and shopped the deals online from the comfort of our bed. After another Cinnabon, we got up and began to decorate our first Christmas tree. There’s not much I can


JakeDay After Thanksgiving