Finders Keepers: LA Life

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Adventure, Finders Keepers, LA, Vacation 1904 Views

all photos from Call Me Cal I’m pretty excited about this find and it’s just in time for a long weekend. Callie or I guess I should say Cal from Call Me Cal is a fellow blogger living in LA. Unfortunately I missed meeting her at ALT. On her blog, she has a whole section on life in LA. She


Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: LA Life

Snowshoeing in Northern Michigan

Jake Blog Post Adventure, Michigan, Snow, Traverse City, Winter 1291 Views

Since our flight back to LA was cancelled because of the snow storm, we were able to go snowshoeing! My parents live in front of an old cherry orchard, so we took my dog Misty and went through the orchards on snowshoes. It was so much fun! And Misty wore herself out charging through the powdery snow. Jamie dressed up


JakeSnowshoeing in Northern Michigan

Apple “Picking”

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Adventure, California, Food, Photography, Weekend 1095 Views

Remember how I was so excited to go apple picking? We had planned all last month to go the last weekend of October; that’s when a lot of the apples we wanted were going to be ripe for picking. We got up bright and early Saturday morning and hit the road. We arrived one and a half hours later only to


Jamie BartlettApple “Picking”

New Car

Jake Blog Post Adventure, Weekend 1202 Views

This past weekend Jamie and I went out to Norco, CA to look at a Toyota Prius. Not too long after getting married, we decided this was the car we wanted to save for. We loved our Jeep, and couldn’t have gotten a lot of the furniture that we have now without it. But At 10 mpg, it was pretty


JakeNew Car

Wine Country

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Adventure, California, Photography, Travel, Weekend 1023 Views

This past weekend our good friends Jonny and Emily invited us to go up to wine country for a relaxing day of picnicking and wine tasting. If you know anything about Jake and I, we are far from being any kind of wine connoisseurs. In fact Jake doesn’t even really like alcohol, but we were more than happy to come along and enjoy


Jamie BartlettWine Country