Hot Chocolate Party & Printables

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables Christmas, Download, For the Taking, Graphic Design, Invitation, Paper Goods, Party, Photography, Printable 22305 Views

Yesterday I told you a little bit about our Christmas party that we had over the weekend. This year we decided to have a hot chocolate themed party. I have lots of pictures to share with you and even free printables you can download if you have the urge to throw a seriously sweet party. Cold weather is here to stay, what


Jamie BartlettHot Chocolate Party & Printables

The Face of Type “F”

Jake Blog Post Christmas, Design, Download, For the Taking, Graphic Design, The Face of Type, Typography, Wallpaper 1407 Views

It’s December first! You know what that means: snow days! Snowmen! Snow angels! Snow banks! And best of all, Christmas! Our celebration of Christmas went into full swing the day after Thanksgiving, but there’s just something about it being December that really jumpstarts the festivities. We’re almost ready to send out our own Christmas cards, and we’re throwing our second annual


JakeThe Face of Type “F”

For the Taking: To Do List

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables Download, For the Taking, Free, Office, Organization, Printable 9582 Views

I’m a big list maker. I can think of a thousand things to do, but I can’t start any of them until I have them all nicely written out on in a list. My favorite part is being able to mark a big black line right through them when I complete the task. Usually, I just find a scrap piece of


Jamie BartlettFor the Taking: To Do List

The Face of Type “E”

Jake Blog Post Design, For the Taking, Graphic Design, The Face of Type, Typography 2894 Views

To welcome in the new month, we designed another desktop wallpaper free for download. Novemeber’s Face of Type is Egyptientto2 by deviantart user Bumbayo. We hope you love it! Below are links to download images based on your screen’s resolution. If your resolution isn’t available just leave a comment with your desired resolution and we would be happy to add another size


JakeThe Face of Type “E”

The Face of Type “D”

Jake Blog Post Design, For the Taking, Graphic Design, The Face of Type, Typography, Wallpaper 1474 Views

Well, the birthday season for the Bartletts has officially come to an end. But that doesn’t mean celebrations are going to stop! This month is Halloween, and along with that comes an excuse to dress up in costumes together. Here is a brand new desktop wallpaper to get you in the mood for fall decorations. For the letter D we


JakeThe Face of Type “D”

The Face of Type “C”

Jake Blog Post Design, For the Taking, Graphic Design, The Face of Type, Typography 3034 Views

Last month was  Jamie’s favorite, and September is mine. And it’s my favorite for the same reason: this month is my birthday! This month’s “Face of Type” is our personal favorite, Clarendon. It’s a clean, slab-serif font named after the Clarendon Press in Oxford. It was the first typeface to be registered and patented, but expired after three years and


JakeThe Face of Type “C”

The Face of Type “B”

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Design, For the Taking, Graphic Design, The Face of Type, Typography 1188 Views

It’s August, my favorite month. Can you guess why? It’s my birthday month! This month for “Face of Type” we chose Bureau Grotesque. It is a wonderful, more condensed, san serif font perfect for display.  Font Fun Fact: Bureau Grotesque is one of the fonts we use for A Pear of Pears’ Identity. Notice the word “Pears” in our blog’s header. Yep, that’s


Jamie BartlettThe Face of Type “B”

The Face of Type “A”

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Design, For the Taking, Graphic Design, The Face of Type, Typography 1426 Views

Happy July everybody! Can you believe it’s already July? This year is flying by. Today I’m excited to announce a new feature on our blog called The Face of Type. Each month Jake and I are going to pick one of our favorite typefaces, tell you a little about it and spruce up a letter from that face. We will be doing this


Jamie BartlettThe Face of Type “A”

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