In the Mood(board) for Fall

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Fall, Moodboards, Photography, Typography 1326 Views

Dog | Butcher’s Daughter | Adventure Club | Forest | Craft | Stock and Barrel | Apples We celebrated my birthday at the beginning of August. Once that has passed I don’t consider summer having much more to offer. At that point I’m ready to say goodbye until next year. Don’t get me wrong, I like summer! But I also


Jamie BartlettIn the Mood(board) for Fall

Haley Sheffield is coming to town

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post California, Photography 1456 Views

I know I already wished you all a happy friday, but I found out some pretty exciting news that I wanted to share. Haley Sheffield is one of my favorite photographers and she just announced she is coming to Cali in September! Her work is so beautiful and fun. Chances are you’ve seen some of her shots getting pinned around.


Jamie BartlettHaley Sheffield is coming to town

Forgotten Leica Photos

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post California, Film, Michigan, Photography, Vintage 1812 Views

For some reason when I take pictures with a film camera I treat each shot like gold. So much so that it took us almost a year to take a full roll with my grandpa’s old Leica he gave to us. I actually completely forgot about the roll until last weekend when we were going through our office to organize


Jamie BartlettForgotten Leica Photos

Zachary Smith Typography

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Artist, Design, Photography, Typography 2102 Views

Sorry I’ve been a little MIA this week. My family is coming into town so I’m trying to get all my work done. That way I can take some time off while they’re here. That’s a good excuse right? Which reminds me — posts here on the blog might be a little sporadic next week as well. I can however


Jamie BartlettZachary Smith Typography

I’m Seeing Color

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Color, Photography 1415 Views

You can blame photographer Paul Octavious if I start looking at everything in terms of Pantone colors. Paul started The Pantone Project where he matches a Pantone color with real life objects and situations that he shares on his instagram. I love this one.

Jamie BartlettI’m Seeing Color

Fresh Summer Salsa

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Food, Photography, Recipe, summer, Typography 4371 Views

When warm weather comes around I love munching on fresh salsa. Let’s be honest, I did a little munching in between photos. Can you blame me? In my opinion the fewer ingredients their are, the better. Who wants to shop for 50 things that only make up one dish? Not me! There’s nothing fancy about this recipe. Just fresh, easy and soooo good.


Jamie BartlettFresh Summer Salsa

His & Hers: Morning Coffee

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Coffee, His and Hers, Photography 2115 Views

Every morning we have a cup of coffee. Not something fancy from Starbucks — just what we make at home. Jake always get’s up first to make it while I grab a few extra minutes of sleep until I hear the coffee grinder. It’s the best way to start our day.   What do you put in your coffee? (or are you


Jamie BartlettHis & Hers: Morning Coffee

San Francisco

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post California, Photography, San Francisco, Vacation 2357 Views

We took a little trip up the coast last weekend to San Francisco. It was so nice to get away and enjoy some time with just the two of us. The city was beautiful. If New York and LA got together and had a baby city I think San Francisco would be it.  Our first stop was the Painted Ladies.


Jamie BartlettSan Francisco


Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Flowers, Photography, summer, Typography 1861 Views

I spotted these peonies while grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s over the weekend and I just couldn’t pass them up. They make our home feel so summery and fresh. Now we just need to enjoy long nights on the back patio sipping lemonade and summer will feel officially here. What’s your favorite flower?

Jamie BartlettPeonies

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