Seems Impossible

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Etsy, Inspiration, Poster, Quote, Typography 3069 Views

Vapor Qualquer I was talking with my friend over dinner last night about how we both seem to a bit overwhelmed and a little worn out by everything going on in our lives. We both have a lot on our plate right now. When that happens I usually have a hard time functioning. There is too much to do so I can’t do


Jamie BartlettSeems Impossible

Wedding Invitation Inspiration

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Graphic Design, Inspiration, Invitation, Paper Goods, Party, Wedding 1479 Views

Over the weekend I got to sit down and talk wedding invitations with my best friend. I love working with her. We have very similar styles, she gives me a lot of creative freedom to design what I think is best, and while we are brainstorming ideas we sometimes get distracted looking at shoes or plaining how we are going


Jamie BartlettWedding Invitation Inspiration

Pantone Tarts

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Color, Design, Food, Inspiration, Pantone, Photography 1518 Views

Yesterday was all about CMYK. Let’s switch it up and do Pantone today. French Food designer, Emilie de Griottes put together these dessert tarts that resemble Pantone color swatches. It’s color you can eat right up! My favorite Pantone color is Pantone 2738C. I could see that as some kind of blueberry lemon tart. Do you have a favorite Pantone color? It’s


Jamie BartlettPantone Tarts

CMYK Wedding

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Decor, Design, Inspiration, Party, Wedding 2178 Views

The key to any great party is a good theme. I would say Rebekah and David have the theme of all themes. What could be better than a CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) wedding? It really is perfect for any design couple who wants to show their inner art nerd. They applied the theme in such fun and clever


Jamie BartlettCMYK Wedding

Embroidered Typography

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Embroidery, Inspiration, Typography 3437 Views

I alway love finding a new craft medium to learn and experiment with. I never would have guessed embroidery would ever be one of those. That is until I came across all this beautiful embroidered type. These aren’t your average grandmother’s designs.  I first came accross all kinds of embroidery lettering patterns over on imprint. There are enough letters there to inspire


Jamie BartlettEmbroidered Typography

Simple is Beautiful

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Design, Graphic Design, Identity, Inspiration 2284 Views

Source: Acorn & Whale letterpress print Scout’s Honor via Simple-Pretty Source: Fellow Studio  Source: Little Factory Now that we finished our new design for our website, we are planing on re-designing all the other things that go along with our identity: letterhead, packaging etc. I’m really excited about this. At the same time designing for yourself is usually the hardest, but as Barney Stinson would say,


Jamie BartlettSimple is Beautiful

Essential to Creativity

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Design, Inspiration, Quote 1548 Views

Source: Marius Roosendaal Isn’t it funny how you can have a little lull in life, and just when everything has slowed down and you feel you’ve caught your breath, a million and one things are added to your to do list? I’m not trying to complain; I would definitely rather be busy designing rather than twiddling my thumbs. It’s just


Jamie BartlettEssential to Creativity

Twelve Before Twelve Update

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Inspiration, Office, work space 2508 Views

It’s almost February and I still have not updated you on my 12 Before 12 list. Looking back I would probably have not done half of these things if I didn’t make the list. Having it was a constant reminder and motivator for me. There is nothing quite like being able to check something off. Here is a reminder of what was on my


Jamie BartlettTwelve Before Twelve Update

Neon & Neutral

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Color, Design, Inspiration, Shop 1286 Views

Donut Cake | Neon Wedding Invitations | TOMS Shoes | The New Domestic Bag  Spray Painted Cutlery | Ampersand Screen Print | Yarn I woke up this morning to the sound of cars driving by on wet asphalt–it was raining. I love that sound. Though it sure does make it hard to get up and leave the comfort of your cozy


Jamie BartlettNeon & Neutral

To Resolve Project

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Graphic Design, Inspiration, Typography 1014 Views

Did you make any resolutions this year? I didn’t but these posters make me wish I did. They sure do make the daunting idea of making a resolution a lot more fun.  The To Resolve Project was started by Chris Streger a few years back and now a handful of other artists have gotten involved by making their own resolutions into some


Jamie BartlettTo Resolve Project

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