Morning Brew: Bird Chirping Weather

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Design, Illustration, Morning Brew, Poster, Typography 1467 Views

If you haven’t already noticed, I’m kind of a sucker for quotes. I even keep a book where I write down all of my favorites. Once I finish this post, I’m going to add this one to my collection. Illustrator Katie Daisy did a beautiful job bringing this quote to life. Her work is so fun and light hearted. It makes me smile.


Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Bird Chirping Weather

Morning Brew: Here Comes the Sun

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Morning Brew, Photography 973 Views

I love this time of year when the sun starts staying out longer. I tend to be more productive and spend more time outdoors. I think I’ll go on a little stroll with Jake tonight. What will you do will your extra hours of sunlight? Source: *Imogen

Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Here Comes the Sun

Morning Brew: Do What You Love

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Design, Graphic Design, Morning Brew, Poster, Typography 2243 Views

I forgot to mention last week, but last Tuesday was my last day of work. After much deliberation Jake and I decided that I would quit my full-time graphic design job giving me time to pursue the kind of graphic design that I really love. Instead of doing graphic design in the corporate realm, I am now focusing on our blog,


Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Do What You Love

Morning Brew: Pasta Packaging

Jake Blog Post Design, Food, Graphic Design, Morning Brew, Packaging 1338 Views

I really think that if food companies started designing their packaging more like this, they’d have a lot more people my age buying their products. This packaging would win me over any day. I’d want to buy them all just to make my kitchen cabinet look so well designed.  Source: Erik Johansson

JakeMorning Brew: Pasta Packaging

Morning Brew: Relax

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Dogs, Morning Brew, Photography 1113 Views

Happy Friday everybody! Do you have any fun plans for your weekend? The last few weekends Jake and I have been pretty busy. So I think this weekend we are going to take it slow and relax. However, we are going to be letterpressing this weekend. Maybe we will have a surprise for you on Monday! Source: That Kind of


Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Relax

Morning Brew: Miniatures?

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Morning Brew, Photography 892 Views

I was convinced this was a picture of hot wheels cars. They look so tiny! But Jake introduced me to this type of photo editing; it’s called tilt-shift photography. The effect was originally achieved by taking a photo of miniatures, but this photo (and the technique Jake explained to me) can be done completely in photoshop with any photo. I think we’ll


Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Miniatures?

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