Morning Brew: Cozy

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Design, Graphic Design, Home, Morning Brew, Shop 1126 Views

Today is the first day in two weeks that I have been home during the day for work. Last week I worked with Jake on his show Who Knew that he animates for. It was nice being with him during the day. But today I am home which will give me a chance to catch up on some work. I can’t say


Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Cozy

Morning Brew: Orange Grove Picnic

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Decor, Home, Morning Brew, Photography, Vintage 1121 Views

Sorry we didn’t post at all last week. Jake and I had a family emergency and had to make an unexpected trip to Colorado and we just got back last night. Being home made me miss the quaintness of a smaller town where you can have lovely picnics like this one. Out here in California a lot of people have


Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Orange Grove Picnic

Morning Brew: A New Week

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Book, Design, Graphic Design, Inspiration, Morning Brew 1084 Views

Source: Dara Quesada I hope you’re ready, because it’s time for a new week. Did you have a good weekend? Jake and I went on a date Friday evening. First we walked to the Farmer’s Market for dinner and then we went and saw Super 8 at the theatre. It was fantastic (loud, but fantastic). We both highly recommend it, but watch


Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: A New Week

Morning Brew: Where the Art is

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Design, Graphic Design, Inspiration, Morning Brew, Quote, Typography 1354 Views

You know that plack you see hanging in everyone’s house? The one that says “Home is where the heart is”.  Well I think that quote has run it’s course. It’s kind of like when you have too much of a good thing. Here is a quote to replace it. I like this version better anyway. It’s clever, kind of corny, but fun. Source:


Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Where the Art is

Morning Brew: A Good Day

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Morning Brew, Music, Photography, Typography, Vintage 1020 Views

Ever since Jake surprised me with my new smart phone I’ve been taking advantage of the alarm clock feature where you can set your alarm to play any song on your phone. My previous phone just let you to play those hideous noises that are made to make you wake up on the wrong side of the bed. In order to avoid one more morning of awful sounds, I quickly


Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: A Good Day

Morning Brew: Memorial Day

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post California, Holiday, Morning Brew, Photography 1219 Views

Hurray for long weekends. Do you have any fun plans for Memorial Day?  Jake has the day off today, but we haven’t really planed anything. I think we’ll just see where the day takes us. Oh and p.s. you can wear white now. Source: Janna Laurene

Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Memorial Day

Morning Brew: Macarons?

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Food, Morning Brew, Photography 1127 Views

I thought I would bring you some color to brighten your morning. Have you ever had a Macaron? They are so bright and cheery looking, but I have no idea what they taste like. I hear most people can’t get enough of them.  Source: Dear Machine

Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Macarons?

Morning Brew: Summer?

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Design, Food, Graphic Design, Morning Brew, Poster 1046 Views

These prints by C.S Neal are so fun. I wanted to post them because they remind me of summer. I am completely and utterly ready for summer. When we left Palm Springs this weekend it was in the 80’s, but when we got back home to LA it was all clouded over and barely over 60 degrees. I wish at least the


Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Summer?

Morning Brew: Letters

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Etsy, Morning Brew, Photography 1008 Views

Who doesn’t love receiving a letter in the mail? While I was in college my friends and I made it a habit to send each other little notes through our campus mail. The notes were alway thoughtful and encouraging. I miss them. Today I’m going to write a note to someone and send it off in the mail. You should try it too. You


Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Letters

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