An Illustrated Holiday Weekend

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Illustration, Weekend 1749 Views

Welcome back from the weekend everyone! We hope yours treated you well; Jake and I sure enjoyed ours. A few weeks back, Katherine from Gathered Heart posted her grocery list as an illustration. It was so cute and it’s been forever since I’ve taken the time to draw so I thought I would take a shot at illustrating our weekend.


Jamie BartlettAn Illustrated Holiday Weekend

Morning Brew: Don’t Forget to Play

Jake Blog Post Morning Brew, Weekend 1548 Views

Source: Marc Johns This week was a long week for us. I’m not sure how relaxing our weekend will be because we have a lot of catching up to do on projects. Our blog has been getting a lot more attention from outside sources lately, and it’s bringing in a lot of new clients (a good thing). One of our projects


JakeMorning Brew: Don’t Forget to Play

Office Space

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Inspiration, Weekend, work space 1629 Views

1. Apartment Therapy |  2. Under Consideration | 3. Aesthetic Outburst 4. Remodelista | 5. Decor8 I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Jake and I stayed home and were able to check a bunch of items off our to do list. The most exciting and a much needed item on our list was to organize our work space. Ever since I started working from


Jamie BartlettOffice Space

Apple “Picking”

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Adventure, California, Food, Photography, Weekend 1104 Views

Remember how I was so excited to go apple picking? We had planned all last month to go the last weekend of October; that’s when a lot of the apples we wanted were going to be ripe for picking. We got up bright and early Saturday morning and hit the road. We arrived one and a half hours later only to


Jamie BartlettApple “Picking”

New Car

Jake Blog Post Adventure, Weekend 1215 Views

This past weekend Jamie and I went out to Norco, CA to look at a Toyota Prius. Not too long after getting married, we decided this was the car we wanted to save for. We loved our Jeep, and couldn’t have gotten a lot of the furniture that we have now without it. But At 10 mpg, it was pretty


JakeNew Car

Wine Country

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Adventure, California, Photography, Travel, Weekend 1031 Views

This past weekend our good friends Jonny and Emily invited us to go up to wine country for a relaxing day of picnicking and wine tasting. If you know anything about Jake and I, we are far from being any kind of wine connoisseurs. In fact Jake doesn’t even really like alcohol, but we were more than happy to come along and enjoy


Jamie BartlettWine Country

Movie in the Park

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post LA, Movie, Weekend 1093 Views

We’ve had so much going on this week and so much to post about, I almost forgot to tell you about our movie in the park. Most everybody there were parents with their little kids. I noticed a few of the kids came dressed in there pajamas; it was so cute!  We got there two hours before the movie started


Jamie BartlettMovie in the Park

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