Making A List: Christmas Gift Record Printable

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables Christmas, Design, For the Taking, Holiday, Printable 14590 Views

There are a few smart people out there that have already gotten all of their Christmas shopping done. Then there are people like me that haven’t really even started. I always have a hard time choosing what to get people so I end up putting it off hoping the perfect gift will fall right in my lap. Once Black Friday


Jamie BartlettMaking A List: Christmas Gift Record Printable

Simple Ways To Decorate For Christmas

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Christmas, Decorations, DIY, Holiday, Inspiration 2004 Views

I’m excited this week for three reasons: 1. It’s Thanksgiving, 2. it’s a short work week, and 3. this time next week our apartment will be decked out with Christmas decorations! On black friday we usually avoid all the crazy crowds and buy our deals from the comfort of our bed. Then the rest of the day is spent listening to Christmas music


Jamie BartlettSimple Ways To Decorate For Christmas

Thanksgiving Printables for The Sweetest Occasion

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables Design, For the Taking, Holiday, Printable, Thanksgiving 1398 Views

Remember last month when I designed some Halloween printables for The Sweetest Occasion? Well I’m excited to announce that Cyd and I will be teaming up on a regular basis to bring you more lovely free printables! Today I have some Thanksgiving labels along with a matching card for you. The labels are multi-functional and can be used as place cards, buffet food labels or even marking leftovers (that is


Jamie BartlettThanksgiving Printables for The Sweetest Occasion

Finders Keepers: A Hip Handmade Holiday

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Christmas, DIY, Finders Keepers, Gifts, Holiday 1435 Views

It seems like it’s getting harder and harder to find just the right gift for my friends and family each year. Something handmade could be just the right solution. A Hip Handmade Holiday has a ton of great ideas. The pdf book even comes with printables and instructional videos. Amazing right? I better get crafting. Can you believe Christmas is


Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: A Hip Handmade Holiday

Quill & Fox: Holiday Collection

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Cards, Christmas, Design, Holiday, Paper Goods, Thanksgiving 1675 Views

If you’re new to our blog, I think you should know I love Christmas. I’m one of those people that could easily start listening to Christmas music today all the way through the new year. I get giddy when I see stores bringing out festive decorations from their summer hibernation and my heart grows two sizes when I think about hanging our stockings by the chimney


Jamie BartlettQuill & Fox: Holiday Collection

For the Taking: Halloween Treat Bag Toppers

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables Design, For the Taking, Free, Halloween, Holiday, Printable 3080 Views

Happy Friday everyone! I thought I would end this week with a little something for you. Here are some free Halloween treat bag toppers. These would be fun for classroom treats, lunch boxes, or your neighborhood trick-or-treaters. Just fill a sandwich sized bag up with your goodies and staple on the topper. Please read the Conditions of Use before downloading files from


Jamie BartlettFor the Taking: Halloween Treat Bag Toppers

Finders Keepers: Easter Egg Art

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Color, DIY, Holiday 1760 Views

Believe it or not I have never dyed an Easter egg before. I guess it just was never a part of our Easter celebrations. Which I’m kind of surprised about because my mom was very craft oriented when it came to entertaining my siblings and I. I found some dyed eggs that look more like little art masterpieces to me. They are all so


Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Easter Egg Art

April Fools with Google

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Google, Holiday, Video 1505 Views

Did you prank anyone on April Fools? I always look forward to see what crazy thing Google is going to come up with. They did three prank videos this year (that we found). My favorite was Gmail Tap. It’s so perfectly ridiculous. I love how well designed everything Google does is–even for April Fools.

Jamie BartlettApril Fools with Google

Quill & Fox: Easter Cards

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Cards, Etsy, Holiday, Invitation, Paper Goods, Shop 1472 Views

Quill & Fox never disappoints. Their Easter line is as cute as can be. They always use the best color combinations too! I’m not sure who I would send an easter card or invitation to, but I sure want to buy one even if it’s just to hang above my desk for inspiration.

Jamie BartlettQuill & Fox: Easter Cards

To Your Heart’s Content

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Decor, Food, Holiday, Valentines 1448 Views

Couch | Donuts | DIY Felt Pins | Organic Tote Bag  Valentine’s Wedding | Office | Lace Heart Print Happy Valentine’s day everyone! I’m pretty excited about today. I love having a day dedicated to showing people just how much you love them. Plus it’s probably the only day all year when you can go heart crazy and none cares: heart cards, heart shaped food, hearts, hearts,


Jamie BartlettTo Your Heart’s Content

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