Zig and Zag Mustache Baby Shower

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Graphic Design, Invitation, Letterpress, Paper, Typography 1944 Views

Time just got away from me today, hence the late post. I got to talk with my mom on the phone and once we get going there is no stopping us. We always have something to catch up on. My parents are coming to visit in a little over a week! I can’t wait. Everything I know about DIY projects


Jamie BartlettZig and Zag Mustache Baby Shower

Wise Words of Vincent Van Gogh

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Etsy, Poster, Quote, Typography 1448 Views

Van Gogh Quote from Oh My Dear Vincent Van Gogh has gotten a reputation of being one of those crazy and strange sorts of artists. That probably has something to do with the fact that he cut off his own ear. Yeah, that’s pretty strange. I do however think this quote from him is quite wise.

Jamie BartlettWise Words of Vincent Van Gogh

Finders Keepers: Typography Sketchbooks

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Book, Finders Keepers, Typography 1342 Views

I can never get enough of art and design books. They never get old and they are always perfect to have around when I’m in need of some inspiration. This book looks like it belongs in my collection.

Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Typography Sketchbooks

For the Taking: Printable Ice Cream Social Invitation

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables For the Taking, Free, Graphic Design, Invitation, Party, Printable, Typography 1850 Views

I find it hard to believe, but summer is official here (as of yesterday) and so to celebrate the warmer days ahead I have designed a free printable ice cream social party invitation to share with you. I hope you’re inspired to grab some friends, some yummy ice cream and enjoy summer’s sunny days. Directions: Download your invitations, print onto thick white


Jamie BartlettFor the Taking: Printable Ice Cream Social Invitation

Typographic Jokes

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Graphic Design, Poster, Typography 1846 Views

Here’s a little humor for hump-day. Designer Gary Nicholson created a series of posters using typographic puns to humor fellow designers. I think it worked.

Jamie BartlettTypographic Jokes

Guest Posting At Yellow Bird Yellow Beard

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Blog, Typography, Wedding 1272 Views

Good morning readers! Today I am over at Yellow Bird Yellow Beard. Janee and her husband are in the process of moving and she asked if I would write a guest post while she is away. Of course I was happy to help out. Head over there to read my post and while you’re at it take a look around


Jamie BartlettGuest Posting At Yellow Bird Yellow Beard


Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Design, Fonts, Typography 1158 Views

Check out this hand-drawn font from My Fonts! It was inspired by vintage apothecary labels and comes with tons of styles and frames. Right now it’s on sale for only $20. Now that’s a deal. I was excited about it so I thought I would share it with you.

Jamie BartlettBergamot

Father’s Day Printables

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Graphic Design, Printable, Typography 1567 Views

Hello Lucky just posted some awesome printables for Father’s Day. They are perfect for making not so exciting gifts, like socks, a little more desirable. And let’s face it, if it has a cool labels like these then it doesn’t even matter what it’s wrapped around. I buy things based on the label anyway. Nice job Hello Lucky. There are even more printables on


Jamie BartlettFather’s Day Printables

The Basics of Herbs

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Food, garden, Illustration, Typography 2593 Views

Believe it or not the basil plant that I bought a while back is still growing strong! I’m pretty proud of myself. I’ve even put it to good use in recipes. Having fresh herbs are definitely a treat. Heather Diane illustrated a lovely guide to herbs and even suggests uses for each.

Jamie BartlettThe Basics of Herbs

Showing 61–70 of 136 results