Finders Keepers: 125 Years of Coca-Cola

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Design, Finders Keepers, Food, Packaging, Vintage 1082 Views

Source: Selfridges & Co. In Celebration of Coca-Cola’s 125th anniversary, they are reproducing the original bottle that Coke came in way back in 1886. Unfortunately, the only place I found them for sale is at Selfridges & Co. for £1.99. How come the Brits always get all the good stuff? 

Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: 125 Years of Coca-Cola

Photo of the Week: Family History

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Photo of the Week, Photography, Vintage 1014 Views

 My grandpa looks so handsome in this picture.  My Grandma is so beautiful. I have the best grandparents in the world. They’ve taught me a lot growing up. I have so many lovely memories spent playing at their house, going on weekly shopping trips, and being loved and cared for by them. I love them more than anything.  I found


Jamie BartlettPhoto of the Week: Family History

Happy Mother’s Day

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Design, Vintage 1124 Views

Source: Monkeyplusbear I love you mom. Thanks for always being the best.  Love, Jake & Jamie

Jamie BartlettHappy Mother’s Day

The World At Our Fingertips

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Antiques, Decor, Globes, Home, Maps, Vintage 1360 Views

I’ve alway loved maps. I remember as a kid when our family would go on vacation, my dad would have this huge atlas that had a map of every US state. I would try to find where we were and where we were going. I thought it was so neat that the world was laid out right there on that piece of


Jamie BartlettThe World At Our Fingertips

What A Weekend!

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Antiques, California, Shop, Vintage 1124 Views

Once again the weekend flew by. Jake and I had both a productive and relaxing weekend. On Saturday we spent the entire morning and afternoon letterpressing. We learn something new every time and I think we finally got it down (we’ll show you our projects soon, promise). The second half of the day was spent building a new table for our letterpress.


Jamie BartlettWhat A Weekend!

Kids in a Candy Shop

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Antiques, Cameras, LA, Vintage 1715 Views

When my parents were here we went to Wertz Brothers Antiques over in Santa Monica. I had seen it posted on Oh Hello Friend and it was also recommended to me by a friend. As soon as we got there, I knew we were in for a treat. You know that feeling when there are so many amazing things to


Jamie BartlettKids in a Candy Shop


Jake Blog Post Book, Graphic Design, Inspiration, Typography, Vintage 1294 Views

Jamie and I were strolling through The Grove the other night, and found ourselves at Barnes and Noble. We stumbled upon an amazing book that we instantly knew had to be added to our collection. The full name of the book is “Over 360 of the Most Popular Retrofonts from the 19th and 20th Centuries Typedesign”, or Retrofonts for short.



Photo of the Week: Viewmaster

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Photo of the Week, Photography, Vintage 951 Views

I loved to play with these as a kid. This old viewmaster and reel was given to me by my grandparents. Jake’s dad also has a collection of viewmaster reels as well, along with this same model of viewer. He even got Jake a space themed box set for his birthday once (which he loves).

Jamie BartlettPhoto of the Week: Viewmaster

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