Let’s Get Better

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables For the Taking, Home, Inspiration, Printable 5324 Views

And by us I mean me. I’ve decided my routine needs a bit of an overhaul. Things have gotten a little too out of hand over here. I’m starting off small, adjusting one thing at a time and first up is: Our Apartment

Lately, ok let’s be real, I’ve never been the greatest at keeping things picked up around the house. Part of that has to do with the fact that we just get busy and at the end of the day when we’re tired we would honestly rather sit and watch some TV than do a bunch of dishes and mop bathroom floors.

My mom still jokes about how she misses her dining room table being covered with art supplies, because when I was still living at home that was my creative space. Pretty much all summer break you could count on the table being covered with paints, pencils, sketchbooks, the works. Creativity is messy. And even though that’s more often true than not at our house I’m kind of over having a messy space that you have to spend all weekend picking up. It tends to really put a damper on things, you know?

So all this to say. I’m vowing to get better. Not perfect, but better

Last week I re-found this pin I had pinned months ago and finally clicked past the image to see what it was all about. I really liked the idea of taking 15-20 minutes a day to clean a part of your house. I started this last week and customized the list to fit our apartment needs (I also added in laundry) and so far I’m loving it. I take the first 15-20 minutes after Jake leaves for work and clean whatever section is on my list for that day.

Here is what I’ve been doing each day

MONDAY – vacuum the floors
TUESDAY  clean our bathroom
WEDNESDAY  dust and mop floors
THURSDAY clean kitchen
FRIDAY – clean 2nd bathroom
WEEKEND – nothing!

You can download this weekly list and customize your cleaning routine. I’ll be hanging mine on the fridge. I think the key is to keep the list short, 1-2 things. I’ve seen other lists that go on and on and it’s just so much that I end up not doing anything. This is way more doable.

Mom, you would be so proud, we even managed to make our bed and the kitchen never once had a pile of dishes on the counter! Our apartment still isn’t perfect, but it’s come a long way from where it was. It’s better. I’m getting better.

Jamie BartlettLet’s Get Better

The Soil & the Sun

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Music 1313 Views

Last night we headed over to The Roxy in West Hollywood to see The Soil & The Sun play. This was the second time we were able to catch one of their shows while they were touring in LA. The drummer of the band, Ben (the one holding his cute baby girl) is our best friend’s brother.

We always love supporting any fellow creatives we know that are out there taking the risk to do what they love. And it’s not hard to do that when they make beautiful music like these guys. I won’t even try to describe their sound. You just need to hear it for yourself.

Jamie BartlettThe Soil & the Sun

Oh Yeah!

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Handlettering, Weekend 1274 Views

It’s Friday! Wahoo! It’s supposed to be a warm one this weekend so we might head to the beach and soak up some sun. How about you? Do you have any plans?

Jamie BartlettOh Yeah!

Learning Life Lessons Over Stale Popcorn

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Hand Lettering, Inspiration, Movies, Quote 9139 Views

Last night we went out and saw The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. As soon as it came out back in December I knew I wanted to see it. We missed it while it was in theatres, but I saw that it was showing at the cheap theater in Pasadena. So we thought why not give it a try. The chairs were rickety and the popcorn was stale but that wasn’t about to ruin this movie for me. From the trailer I knew I would love it and I was right. It was funny, creative, and inspiring. There’s this scene where he rides a longboard down a beautiful road in Iceland. It’s just gorgeous and it made me wish I wasn’t so afraid of going fast on my longboard. They’ve got to have flat roads in Iceland too, right? It made me want to travel, to be adventurous and explore the unknown, to take risks, and to go out and live life how we imagine it to be in our dreams. I can’t wait to watch it again when I don’t have to worry about cockroaches crawling on my feet.

Jamie BartlettLearning Life Lessons Over Stale Popcorn

Stay Cozy

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Weekend, Winter 2467 Views

We’re getting some much needed rain here in SoCal today and it looks like it’s not leaving anytime soon or at least until Monday. We’re going to take full advantage of this rare gloomy weather and wear all our comfy sweaters and cozy socks. There will also be plenty of soup consumption this weekend. Here’s to a relaxing weekend at home with the fam. Stay Cozy.

Jamie BartlettStay Cozy


Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Inspiration, Instagram, Photography 2166 Views

Every time I get on Instagram I find more and more amazing people to follow. There are so many talented artists that share little tidbits of their work and life through beautiful photos. So today I thought I would share a few of my favorites. It was hard to narrow it down to just four, but I chose these ones to share with you today.

01. Caskro – Photographer capturing just what I imagine the PNW to be
02. Type and Title – San Diego designer who loves simple lettering and clean design
03. Alyssa Nassner – Illustrator of all things cute and colorful
04. Cambria Grace – Photographer documenting lots of white and the beautiful outdoors

After picking these four artists I realized that they all have one very important thing in common besides being super talented. They also include incredibly adorable pictures of their fur babies from time to time. So I guess posting beautiful art + doggy photos = the perfect account for me to follow. But isn’t that the perfect account for anyone to follow?

I would love to know some of your faves you follow. There is always room in my feed for more pretty pictures.

Jamie BartlettInsta-Inspiration

Decorate Your Desktop: 07

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Wallpapers Decorate Your Desktop, Hand Lettering 8882 Views

Jake and I have a couple of trips we are planning on taking this year. It has got me really itching to see new places and go on fun adventures. Being cooped up in the house all week might have something to do with it too. Maybe this weekend we can grab a pizza and make a night out of planning our trips. That sounds pretty good to me. Have a great weekend and feel free to download this wallpaper for your desktop here.

You can find more decorate your desktop designs here.

Jamie BartlettDecorate Your Desktop: 07

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