Our Weekend in San Diego

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post California, Holiday, San Diego, Vacation 1940 Views

After living in Southern California for four years we finally made our way to San Diego over Memorial Day weekend, and you can bet we’ll be going back. The city itself had so much to see and do. Since we took Pixel with us we stuck to the great outdoors for the majority of the trip. But we didn’t mind


Jamie BartlettOur Weekend in San Diego

San Diego, Here We Come!

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post California, Holiday, San Diego, Vacation 2240 Views

We’ve lived in LA for over 4 years now and still have yet to really visit San Diego. What?! Well that’s about to change. We booked a beautiful hotel, packed our bags, grabbed our sunnies and we’re headed down (Pixel included) to celebrate our anniversary. We have a few things on our list to check out, but If you are


Jamie BartlettSan Diego, Here We Come!

The Work of Katharine Morling

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Artist, Inspiration 2230 Views

I came across the work of Katharine Morling this morning and I can’t get enough of these ceramics that look like 3 dimensional line drawings. The details are incredible. And those cameras! They’re so fabulous! Check out more of her work here.

Jamie BartlettThe Work of Katharine Morling

Better Together

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Anniversary, Birthday, Dalmatian, Family, Handlettering, Photography, Pixel 1537 Views

I probably say this every year but I can’t believe it’s already been four years since I married my Jake. My life is forever better because of him and I am beyond honored and blessed to call him mine. Each year is better than the last. And if that wasn’t enough to celebrate, today is also our fur baby’s second


Jamie BartlettBetter Together

Caught on Film with Haley Sheffield

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post California, LA, Photography 1478 Views

The cyber world is pretty amazing; especially for creatives. There are so many awesome talented people sharing what they do all around the internet. It’s inspiring to follow along and sometimes if you’re lucky you get to meet them in person, and even be a part of their work. Last fall Haley Sheffield came out to LA. We had “met” through


Jamie BartlettCaught on Film with Haley Sheffield

My Interview With Launching Creative

Jake Blog Post Interview, Podcast 1245 Views

My friend Nik Parks from college is running a fantastic blog for creative professionals called Launching Creative. It’s a blog full of great info for anyone trying to make a living off of their creative talents. Plus they’ve started an awesome podcast that I was fortunate enough to be interviewed for! I talk about A Pair of Pears, my Skillshare


JakeMy Interview With Launching Creative

The Wild Adventures of Bebop Fuzz

Jake Blog Post Animation 1191 Views

Today I want to share a project my brother Aaron is working on. Watch the video to get an idea of what the project is, and then go check out the Kickstarter project for all the details. I love the way that they’re shooting as much of it practically as possible, and then animating the face after the fact. It


JakeThe Wild Adventures of Bebop Fuzz


Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Moodboards, Shop, summer 2042 Views

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 It looks like pineapple wins trendiest fruit this season. Fine by me! I say you can never have too much pineapple. 

Jamie BartlettPineapples

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