Cold Brew Coffee Float

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Food, Recipe, summer 2877 Views

I checked the weather yesterday for the upcoming week and it’s saying it’s going to be in the 90s! We will be in desperate need of some ways to cool down so I came up with what I’m calling a Cold Brew Coffee Float. They are our new favorite treat! I can guarantee we will be scooping up a few


Jamie BartlettCold Brew Coffee Float

I’d Make That

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Food, Recipe, summer 1323 Views

All this warm weather has put me in the mood to try more Summer friendly foods. I’ll be putting the soup on the back burner until Fall or at least until one of those rare rainy days comes along. Instead I’ll be making: Peanut Pops for those sunny afternoons Hawaiian Hula Pork Fajitas. It’s what’s for dinner tonight and Clementine


Jamie BartlettI’d Make That

Avocado Toast That Kicks

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post California, Food, Recipe 3008 Views

I’m a little late to both the avocado toast and sriracha bandwagon. Don’t get me wrong, I love avocado. In fact I’m pretty sure it’s some kind of rule that if you live in California you have to put avocado on everything (which I do). But avocado smeared on bread didn’t seem all that exciting to me and I’m really


Jamie BartlettAvocado Toast That Kicks

Weekend Forecast

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post LA, summer, Weekend 1257 Views

I’m predicting sunny days, BBQs and afternoons by the pool this weekend. See you Monday!

Jamie BartlettWeekend Forecast

New Cards coming soon!

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Etsy, Shop, WIP 1391 Views

Yep you heard right! 9 new cards are coming to our print shop soon. I spent yesterday prepping files for print and everything is ready to go. It’s been so fun watching our ideas progress into some of my favorite work so far (and by watch I mean spend hours and hours designing) I can’t wait to share them all


Jamie BartlettNew Cards coming soon!

In Motion: Inside The Edit

Jake Blog Post Animation, In Motion, Motion Graphics 1291 Views

THE EDITOR from Inside The Edit on Vimeo. I came across this video today on Facebook. Not only does it tell the story of what a good editor actually has to do, it’s also animated beautifully! This animation is exactly the kind of work I (Jake) love to do. And I also love to edit videos, so it gets a


JakeIn Motion: Inside The Edit

This is Ground

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Etsy, LA, Organization, Technology, This is Ground 2150 Views

Between the two of us Jake and I have a decent amount of tech. And with tech comes cords, lots of cords. Most of the time our earphones get “neatly”stuffed in our bag along with chargers and any other things we need. I don’t know how it happens, but I’m pretty sure tiny little creatures find their way into our


Jamie BartlettThis is Ground

The Art of Vintage Cocktails

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Artist, Book, Illustration 2014 Views

Danielle Kroll is one of my favorite illustrators. Her work is so charming and fun and this new book she designed, The Art of Vintage Cocktails, is no exception. I was pretty excited to finally get my hands on it this weekend and flip through the colorful pages. It’s pretty perfect in every way. Cheers!

Jamie BartlettThe Art of Vintage Cocktails

Let’s Get Better

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post, Printables For the Taking, Home, Inspiration, Printable 5324 Views

And by us I mean me. I’ve decided my routine needs a bit of an overhaul. Things have gotten a little too out of hand over here. I’m starting off small, adjusting one thing at a time and first up is: Our Apartment Lately, ok let’s be real, I’ve never been the greatest at keeping things picked up around the


Jamie BartlettLet’s Get Better

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