Finders Keepers: The Fauxmartha

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Blog, Finders Keepers, Food, Photography 1579 Views

This find is a little different then the usual Finders Keepers posts. Have you ever heard of The Fauxmartha? Melissa is an amazing tallented graphic designer and food enthusiast that just so happens to have the same alma mater as Jake and I! I recognized her profile picture on the Alt Summit facebook group and contacted her right away. How cool is it that we


Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: The Fauxmartha

Green Smoothie

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Food, Illustration, Recipe 1741 Views

There is quite the green smoothie fad going around. I admit I was a little skeptical at first; and I even like vegetables. About two weeks ago I came across a recipe for a green smoothie on Iowa Girl Eats. It had only a few (normal) ingredients in it and they were all things I already liked. So I finally


Jamie BartlettGreen Smoothie

Fall Food

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Food, Illustration 1288 Views

Fall has finally come around to our neck of the woods and I couldn’t be more excited. We had such a fun and relaxing weekend enjoying it! We went on walks, visited the park, headed to our little downtown for a festival and even went and saw Tim Burton’s Frankenweenie. It was fabulous. I successfully avoided going grocery shopping all weekend. I’m


Jamie BartlettFall Food

Happy Hot Dog Season

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Food, Graphic Design, Packaging, Poster, summer 1918 Views

Sources: 1. hot dog with sauerkraut 2. prolonged daschund art print 3. frank dog poster 4. hawaiian-style hot dog 5. “paper” hot dog trays 6. bacon wrapped sonoran hot dog 7. truecoffee hot dog packaging 8. hot dog mystery print Happy hot dog season! At our house we love a good grilled hot dog, preferably a little burnt. Jake likes


Jamie BartlettHappy Hot Dog Season

Finders Keepers: Bake Any Shape Pan

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Baking, Finders Keepers, Food 1320 Views

I always see cake pans in all kinds of fun shapes, but I never buy them since space in our kitchen cabinets is like gold: rare and hard to find. Quirky’s Ribbon Bake Any Shape Pan solves that problem. Yep, it does exactly what it sounds like it does; it bakes any shape! Right now it is still in the


Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Bake Any Shape Pan

Bow Tea Bridal Shower

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Food, Graphic Design, Inspiration, Invitation, Letterpress, Paper Goods, Party, Wedding 3124 Views

I’m going to be honest here, one of the first things I thought of when my best friend Erika asked me to be her matron of honor was “oh boy! I can’t wait to plan her bridal shower.” I was over joyed to start brain storming wedding ideas and support her in any way I could, but her bridal shower would


Jamie BartlettBow Tea Bridal Shower

The Basics of Herbs

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Food, garden, Illustration, Typography 2559 Views

Believe it or not the basil plant that I bought a while back is still growing strong! I’m pretty proud of myself. I’ve even put it to good use in recipes. Having fresh herbs are definitely a treat. Heather Diane illustrated a lovely guide to herbs and even suggests uses for each.

Jamie BartlettThe Basics of Herbs

Oxnard Strawberry Festival

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Food, Weekend 1049 Views

Strawberries have always been, and probably will always be, my favorite fruit. They’re so yummy. Yesterday we spent the afternoon at the Strawberry Festival in Oxnard. It was so nice spending the day outside and with our friends. While we were there we bought lots and lots of strawberries. They were so juicy and sweet we just couldn’t help ourselves. Then we


Jamie BartlettOxnard Strawberry Festival


Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Food, Recipe, Typography, Video 1308 Views

One of my favorite things about summertime is sitting around a campfire with friends and roasting s’mores. The warm gooey marshmallow and melted chocolate make a perfect pair. I would have never dreamed of replacing the chocolate in a s’more. That is until I saw this video from Claire Thomas. Beautiful cinematography, fun music and nice typography can be pretty persuasive.  Now I’m inspired to make a


Jamie BartlettS’meaches

Showing 11–20 of 50 results