Morning Brew: Dear Noah

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Letterpress, Morning Brew 911 Views

I came across this photo this morning. It made me laugh, so I thought I would share it with you. Source: The Little Treasures

Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Dear Noah

Loving Letterpress

Jake Blog Post Design, Etsy, Graphic Design, Home Video, Kitchen, Letterpress, Printmaking, Shop, Video 1538 Views

Every time Jamie and I have decided to print something on our letterpress up until this point, we’ve been learning something new or working on something that needed both our full attentions to accomplish. That makes it pretty hard to document the process. We’ve wanted to make a video of our printing for a while now, so this past weekend we decided


JakeLoving Letterpress

Grain & Gram

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Decor, Design, Inspiration, Letterpress, Video, work space 1115 Views

Grain and Gram:  The New Gentleman’s Journal couldn’t have a better name. It is definitely a manly man’s domain which is what I love about it. These guys get good and dirty with their work and yet create beautiful pieces. To me things are much more valuable if time, sweat, and a few tears are put into them. Source: Grain & Gram They


Jamie BartlettGrain & Gram

The Bartlett Press: Unbridled Sound Business Cards

Jake Blog Post Business Card, Design, Graphic Design, Letterpress, Printmaking 1763 Views

We have finally printed our first order of letterpress business cards. A friend of mine at work has wanted us to make him business cards since before we even had our letterpress. It was a good project to get under our belts; we had fun and we learned a lot in the process. Both sides of the card use black ink,


JakeThe Bartlett Press: Unbridled Sound Business Cards

DIY Work Table

Jake Tutorial Design, DIY, Letterpress, Tutorial, work space 50964 Views

Ever since Jamie and I got our letterpress, it has been sitting in the middle of our living room floor. We didn’t have anything to set it on because, after all, it weighs 250lbs. Believe me, we looked all over the place for something that would work for us, but there were some key requirements. First and foremost, it had


JakeDIY Work Table

Oh, Technology!: LetterMpress

Jake Blog Post Design, Graphic Design, Letterpress, Technology, Typography, Video 981 Views

I came across this amazing letterpress app being developed for iPads the other day. The video explains everything, but you basically get to do everything involved with making a print on a letterpress, but on an iPad. The designs can be multiple colors, use multiple fonts, and be exported as an image or sent to a printer. To learn more


JakeOh, Technology!: LetterMpress

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