I’ve taken over Cocorrina for the day

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Inspiration 1255 Views

Today I’m guest blogging for Corina over at Cocorrina while she and her husband take some vacation time! Come on over and see some work that is currently inspiring me. Thanks for having me Corina.

Jamie BartlettI’ve taken over Cocorrina for the day

In Motion: The Pixel Painter

Jake Blog Post Graphic Design, In Motion, Video 1626 Views

I found a short documentary this morning and just had to share it. Check out the story of a 97 year old typographer who uses microsoft paint to create amazing works of art. The Pixel Painter from The Pixel Painter on Vimeo.

JakeIn Motion: The Pixel Painter

In Motion: Animation Exercise Pt. 2

Jake Blog Post Animation, Design, Experiment, Graphic Design, In Motion, Motion Graphics, Video 1273 Views

Today I thought I’d share a roundup of all the animation experiments I’ve created since my original experiments post. Let me know what you think! Oo-De-Lally from Jake Bartlett on Vimeo. Messy Geometry from Jake Bartlett on Vimeo. Moon from Jake Bartlett on Vimeo. Exmarks from Jake Bartlett on Vimeo. Fireflies from Jake Bartlett on Vimeo. Pointy Objects from Jake


JakeIn Motion: Animation Exercise Pt. 2

WIP: New Art Prints

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Art, Shop, Typography, WIP 1858 Views

Lately I’ve been working on some new art prints for our shop. I love designing new products. Most of the time when I decide to do a particular design it’s because it’s something I would love to have for myself. I’m so excited about these two new prints. We have a busy weekend ahead of us but I hope we


Jamie BartlettWIP: New Art Prints

Forgotten Leica Photos

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post California, Film, Michigan, Photography, Vintage 1776 Views

For some reason when I take pictures with a film camera I treat each shot like gold. So much so that it took us almost a year to take a full roll with my grandpa’s old Leica he gave to us. I actually completely forgot about the roll until last weekend when we were going through our office to organize


Jamie BartlettForgotten Leica Photos

His & Hers: Frozen Yogurt

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post dessert, His and Hers, summer 1320 Views

Jake and I have very different approaches when it comes to frozen yogurt. I’m all about mixing things. The more toppings the better. I kind of treat my cup like one of those sampler platters you can get at restaurants. I’ll take a little of this and a little of that. Jake on the other hand is all about simplicity.


Jamie BartlettHis & Hers: Frozen Yogurt

Invitation Inspiration

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Graphic Design, Invitation, Letterpress, Party 2661 Views

I love it when people come to me to design party invitations. To me it’s the most important part of a party (I could be a little bias). Invitations feel very personal to me so I’m privileged to be a part of that process. I’m still in the beginning stages of the invitations I’m currently working on, but I can


Jamie BartlettInvitation Inspiration

Work Happy With Poppin.

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Decor, Office, Organization 4045 Views

Over the weekend Jake and I rearranged our office. We decided to move some things around and organize a little. Poppin sent us some wonderful things to help our desk stay neat and tidy! When we opened the box of goodies from Poppin, there was a lot of oohing and ahhing going on. Their stuff is so cool! I was especially


Jamie BartlettWork Happy With Poppin.

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