Pie Time!

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Baking, Food, Holiday, Inspiration 1460 Views

Thanksgiving is just a few days away! One of my favorite things to eat on Thanksgiving is Pumpkin Pie. My family makes the same delicious recipe every year. This year I’m making two. In years past my mom always made the crust while my dad and I mixed up the filling. I’m a little nervous to bake them all by myself and I can guarantee the


Jamie BartlettPie Time!

Office Space

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Inspiration, Weekend, work space 1629 Views

1. Apartment Therapy |  2. Under Consideration | 3. Aesthetic Outburst 4. Remodelista | 5. Decor8 I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Jake and I stayed home and were able to check a bunch of items off our to do list. The most exciting and a much needed item on our list was to organize our work space. Ever since I started working from


Jamie BartlettOffice Space

Halloween Costumes

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Children, Dogs, Holiday, Inspiration 1496 Views

1. Little Lamb | 2. Little Lion | 3. Gnomes | 4. Bartlett Pear | 5. Chia Pet  6. Ewoks | 7. UP | 8. Mary Poppins It’s almost Halloween, and I have so much fun seeing what creative ideas people come up with. They are much better than the typical scary mask or princess dress. I love the simplicity of the baby costumes. When I was little I was easily upset if things weren’t comfortable, specifically if


Jamie BartlettHalloween Costumes

Finders Keepers: Tin Can Lids

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Finders Keepers, Flowers, Inspiration 1050 Views

Source: Dezeen Aren’t these brilliant? I can’t help but wonder why hasn’t anyone thought of this before. It seems so obviously perfect. These biodegradable lids are perfect for repurposing old tin cans into useful objects. I never knew a tin can could look so good.

Jamie BartlettFinders Keepers: Tin Can Lids

Knitting 101

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post DIY, Inspiration, Knitting 1622 Views

Lately I’ve been in a mood for Fall. Fall is my favorite season. You get to start wearing warmer clothes and drinking hot apple cider. I’m getting excited just thinking about it. I love all things Fall! I came across a bunch of knitted items and thought they were so lovely, so in an effort to help Fall hurry up


Jamie BartlettKnitting 101

Featured on August Empress

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Blog, Design, Graphic Design, Inspiration 1330 Views

Jake and I put a lot of thought into our blog design. It’s come a long way from when we first started the blog and put a banner together in 10 minutes. We’re proud of what we’ve done and we are proud that it was featured on August Empress for the design and color/colour combination. Jo described it as rustic, organic and


Jamie BartlettFeatured on August Empress

Birthday Aftermath

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Birthday, Inspiration, Quote 1153 Views

For those of us that get post birthday depression realizing that you are once again ordinary. Not anymore my friends, not anymore. Source: Kate Spade

Jamie BartlettBirthday Aftermath

Morning Brew: Think

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Decor, Design, Graphic Design, Inspiration, Morning Brew, Poster, Quote 1209 Views

This poster wonderfully illustrates it’s message with only the use of type. It’s such a simple solution for this piece. So simple in fact, it’s brilliant. Today make an effort to go beyond the obvious. It makes like a little more interesting. Wouldn’t you say? Source: Me and This To “think outside the box” is to look further and try to not think of the obvious things, but to


Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Think

Morning Brew: Succulents

Jamie Bartlett Blog Post Decor, Flowers, garden, Home, Inspiration, Morning Brew, Photography, Plants 1554 Views

As much as I hate to admit this, I believe my little herb garden is officially dead. I tried my best and I thought I was doing really well, but I lost the poor things. I’m really disappointed. I really like have plants around the apartment. It adds a nice lively touch. I think I’m going to replace the herbs


Jamie BartlettMorning Brew: Succulents

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